Minggu, November 15, 2009

Last Technical Meeting for ICE 2009

Yesterday morning was the last technical meeting I attended for Indonesian Consumunity Expo 2009 with Prasetya Mulya Business School and around 140 consumunity. Technical meeting with the organizer and other community sounds like a great experienced I have. One-two things I love from joining this expo as a committee is meet new peoples, meet new experience and also expanding my friendship-link. For information, I'm a committee from mig33rs Indonesia Community and we included into Zone of Games and Technology. This expo will be our first as a participant, but even we are new for this expo, the organizer entrust us (Mig33rs Community) as a PIC (Personal in Charge) who responsible for Zone of Games and Technology on D-day. Its like compliment for our community for being entrusted to be PIC for the Zone of Games and Technology.

The expo it self will held on November 21 and 22, 2009. Starts from 9am and will close about 10pm, sponsored by KOMPAS GRAMEDIA, SWA Media INc, Smart FM, Metro TV, Yamaha Indonesia and BCA, also supported by Warta Kota, Tabloid OTOMOTIF, MOTOR Magazine, Tabloid BOLA, Tabloid Bolavaganza and Tabloid Gaya Hidup Sehat.

Here I attach the official poster of Indonesia Consumunity Expo 2009 that I got from the organizer, Prasetya Mulya Business School.


So, for you guys who have no idea where to go on this weekend. Why dont you come to this Expo ? Just drag your foot-ass to Senayan East Park Side, South Jakarta and find the Zone of Games and Technology then find Mig33rs Community's stand and you'll find me there (in case you are one of freak people who so crazy about me. lol).


Edwin's Personal Blog mengatakan...

Ini tempat yang cocok buat Mas Nando. Kumpul, hangout, tukar ide, dan bisa kembangin bisnis juga yach...? Sukses ya buat bisnisnya... Eh masih bisnis tshirt kan?

Edwin's Personal Blog mengatakan...

Oh ya, aq coba enter www.sayaberjalan.com kok selalu gagal ya. Mungkin DNS nya belum beres kali...

nando.gino mengatakan...

hihihi..iya nih pas banget buat nyari2 link dalam dunia usaha ^^

Masih kok,, masih bisnis t-shirt, pin and photography tentunya.

Oh ya,,url blog ini kan www.sayaberjalan.co.cc bukan .com ,, masih gratisan makenya. Tanggung masih ada 4 bulan lagi soalnya masa gratisan domainnya, nanti kalo udah mau abis baru beli domain sendiri. Maklum, merangkak dari bawah dlu ^^ hihihi

sHaa mengatakan...

jreng jreengg..

ajarin motret dong bang :D

nando.gino mengatakan...

@shaa..hihih,,yuk-yuk,,ikutan aja kalo photography gue n tmn gue lg hunting photo. Mau ? biasanya sih sebulan sekali hunting diluar photo kustomer.

Oh ya,,blognya kok gak bisa gue buka ya ? huhh,,pdhal mau mampir T,T

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