This time my post will about my finally came to javasoulnation festival (its the biggest festival hip-hop, rap, rnb, and soul genre music in indonesia) and also will about my finally came to sudirman street (central jakarta) to join a weekly car free day (from 5am to 2pm).
First, I'll tell you my big effort to watch the festival music. I woke up at 5 in the morning, then I do some exercises, cleaning my self to the bathroom, had a breakfasted untill 8am. From 8am, I turned on my brother's notebook so I did browse untill 1.30pm. In 1.30pm I groomed my self for prepared to go to the festival music. Wasting my waiting time with smoking some ciggaretes untill 2pm, I move my ass to meet my friend, aymi to ride away together to the festival by bus. The funny is, I lost my direction to the meeting point, I missed the meeting point place, so I have to turn back again and spend more money for transportation cost. Four passed twenty-minutes, me and my friend aymi arrived on istora senayan (where the festival music helded).
Watched (in series) Maliq n d'essentials, IndonesiaUnite RISE, Sevensoul, Dira J.Sugandi, Aditya, Ndeesaster, Musiq Soulchild, Bondan Prakoso and last Soulvibe. I don't know and care what people's opinion, but for me, the festival yesterday was good only, not great or even will not make visitors will remember the festival in long periode as in future. If I may rate the festival, I will give 6 points (from 10 points), but still there are some performers did a great job, they were Maliq n d'essentials, IndonesiaUnite RISE, Musiq Soulchild, Ndeesaster, Dira and Sevensoul. How bout the rest ? hummm,,let me say they are all SUCK, should learn to the school music first so could try to perform (no offense for their fans). A little bit information, after watched SevenSoul, my friend, Eaz arrived to the festival, and joined me and aymi.
Okay enough for the standard-rated music festival which positioning their selves as the biggest (maybe looked from the stage, number of artists and sponsors they got) but show no big, really disappointed me. Now I'll tell story after the festival. Aymi went home around 12pm, so only me and eaz still continued the day(s) from festival to barito park (blok-m, south jakarta) untill 5 in the morning. After that, we continued our freaky-sleepy-dizzy journey to Sudirman Street just to loose our curious about weekly car free day. So, there we were from six pass thirty minutes untill 10 in the morning at the sudirman street. We walked the street, self potraited each other, watched old bicycle community right in front of Hyatt Hotel, also we put our signature on petition's banner about keep support KPK (komisi pemberantasan korupsi).
Today and Yesterday, are really-really-really made me tired, dizzy yet felt great.
Now, what all I want to do after 2 busy-dizzy-crazy days is SLEEP thightly. Thanks.
p.s : All pictures taken by Samsung Mobile SGH i450.
Hey! haha hyeah i read this blog before and know what your opinion, and I gotta say this is why I only watched the international acts mostly. A lot of rappers here cant rap and seeing them just making me lose my mind.
I know i sound cocky saying those but whatever lol
Hahah,,agree. Its kind like dilemma for me. In one side, its like my job as indonesian to support indonesian singer, but in other side, i have to be fair that international singers giving more attraction. Well, in the end I just follow my heart, that enjoying music which 'click' when i heard it.
Anyway, keep up ur great work on rap. You sure will have a great career in the future.
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