Jumat, November 20, 2009

PayPerPost new version v4.0

Its about a minute ago, I'm googling and find this great news. You know payperpost just released their new version, so it become payperpost v4.0 alpha. This is one of great site I've ever joined, its the right place for blogger and advertiser met up and doing mutually beneficial among them. The advertiser could put what product they want to promote and bloggers will do the promote into their blog, of course the advertiser should give a couple bucks as a payment. I said that this is the good place for promoting products, like we already know, blogger getteing bigger and bigger everyday with a lot of readers. Million blogger spread all in the whole world, so it looks like the right decision to hand over the promotion problem to the bloggers.


Believe me, once you put your advertising here, soon you'll see the benefit payperpost v4.0 for your products. So, what are you waiting for ? you are an advertiser ? it is the time and the right place for you start spreading your new idea of promoting.


Edwin's Personal Blog mengatakan...

Saya pengin daftar jadi publisher di PPP. Tapi harus bikin postingan dulu yach di blog?? Agak malas sih, tapi nanti saya coba lagi...

Mas Nando, aq ada award nih buat Mas nando. Maen ke blogku dan ambil awardnya yach... Trims...

nando.gino mengatakan...

hihih...gak kok mas, gak harus posting dulu. Register dlu, terus nanti kan ada kategorinya,,kalo ada yg sesuai minat mas baru deh posting, gak harus posting semua kok...hihihi

Michael Ghandi mengatakan...

Ikut belajar dan baca2 ya....

salam blogger.

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