Born in 1987, named as Ginokkon Aseando, but prefer using my nickname + my family's name as my publicity. So, here I am, Nando Tampubolon, an (extra) ordinary man who lives in (extra) ordinary city named JAKARTA. In my twenty-something and still trying to reach my own success.
WOW! That last picture is crazy!! They are all fantastic, glad you're having fun with your new camera :)
I love your last picture!! Woa your camera is so clear!! Keep it up! =)
Hey, I really like the 1st and last picture. Great job, keep up the editing!
numpang lihat2 nih hehe
salam blogger yaw
Appease the desire of capturing other sides of life. So, you did the right thing with your new camera, mas Nando ^_^
Like what the others have said, the last photo is simply amazing! Cool, and with a vintage feel. Nice job editing it!
@all..thanks for the compliment. I really appreciate, hope I could do better and better than now
why stop blogging?
@Onic,,no i'm not stop blogging. Not now, and for sure not for the next 5 years.
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