Hello all, its me, back from my long absent blogging. Its been 15 days for me not blogging, feels like a year for me. Hate the situation, no internet connection (due to have no money to refill the pulse. LOL) seems like part of my life were gone to heaven, I cant browsing, I cant full into Best of 2009 Blog Challenge and somanyother bad things. But, hey, its me, already back to my world, to my blog, there's no need sad face again (anyway, its my 100th posts), lets make it into a big-big-big smile and laugh.
Here, I want to write a full (or half) recap about my long-lost-blogging. Can I start now ?
First, my Christmas eve. I spent my Cristmas eve with my brother - Elyas, my sister - Maria and my brother in law - Capluk. We went to Pasific Place, Sudirman, Jakarta for evening prayer of Tiberias Church. That was my first cried-moment in a Christmas eve. Yea, its up to you to call me cry baby, but I'll not be ashamed to admit it 'i was cried'. When choir sang 'Silent Night', suddenly memories about my father came into my mind. Lot things came to me, such like, why he died, when will I fulfill my promise to him, did he love me or not, etc. But, yet, it was a great Christmas eve I had, dont u think the same ? spent Christmas eve with family, wasn't it a great thing ?

Second, karaoke time with my friends, BOLANG. It was on Christmas, December 25. I spent my time with my friends Nuky, Eaz, Putri and Icing (bolang) to VOIZE karaoke at Kelapa gading, North Jakarta. That was our first time to sing in a real karaoke club, we used to karaoke on karaoke box (you know, karaoke box is a real box. With a 1 x 1,5 m space, with no air conditioner and we usually fit the box with 5 or 6 peoples. Can you imagine that ? hot, narrow space, uncomfort sheet). But we go into the next level of karaoke, went to the real karaoke club with air conditioned room, comfortable sheet, and cokes of course.
Third, had a evening prayer on New Year's eve with my family at home. Even I came home late that day, I supposed at home on 12am o clock, fact that the clock's nail showed at 12.10am. Despite my stupid late came to home, overall I had a great New Year's eve moment. We sang together, pray together, shake our hand each other, and did one-two 'mandok hata' each other, you know, the time when each member of family talking about what their wishes for the new year and what they've thank for 2009, we called it as 'mandok hata' or maybe in English it could translate as 'speech', isn't it ?
Fourth, Trip to Pramuka Island, Simpak Daun Island, etc on Thousand Islands area, Jakarta. Yup, another traveling. Me, my bolang's friends Eaz, Putri, Icing, and 8 friends of icing. So, total, 12 young persons did a trip to pramuka island. We went on January 1st, about 6.30am. No words could describe how fun we had on the island, so here I show you the pictures.

Fifth, treated by my sister, Maria. Two days a go, me, elyas and my friend - deddy were treated by my sister, Maria. Due her birthday on January 5th but she treated us a day earlier. First, eat at Cikini's restaurant, I forgot the restaurant's name, hell yeah, when it come to eat situation, I dont care about the name again, I care about my stomach and the foods. Then after bursting our stomach, we go to the theater to see 'Sherlock Holmes'. And about the movie ? wow, I must say that this is my first movie for this year, and it gave me such a big satisfaction. Yes, it is. Its a great movie, with a great actors, with a smart dialogues (you'll amazed with those brilliant dialogues), great story, well in fact I still found some minus point in this movie, but I don't know what it was.
Last but not least, I know its too late for me to say this, but still I want to say 'Merry Christmas and Happy New Year'. Well, thats it, my recap. Lot of laughs, you might think what a stupid recap, it should be a long recap, but what ? thats it ? sorry disappointed you guys, but its all. Enjoy reading my recap ^^
a nice long vacation time
I wish to vacation like you :)
I love the pictures of you guys singing!!! hehe. Aww Happy New Year!!!
tar kapan2 gw nebeng yak :p
Looks like you had a whole bunch of fun! That's great man. What is this reading face in chinese? Explain it to me, it sounds interesting
@NaicaNa thanks, yes it was a nive vacation and hope you'll have oneday
@Melanie Thanks, even the pictures look weird for me.LOL
@Metha .Wkwkwk.Yuuk,,kapan nih next meeting, skydining gk jadi-jadi >,<
@Brent I've sent message to your 20sb profile about 'face reading'
Welcome back Bro. Good to have you back. Seems lots of things to do while you were away. I can see'em so much fun. Happy new year and 'get back to work' ^_^
Sounds like you had a pretty fun holiday!
I love karaoke! I don't know about karaoke boxes (I don't think we have those in Canada), but we do have karaoke rooms, and I love them. I went several times during my holidays this year, haha.
wah asyik nih liburannya...
makasih komentarnya di blogku, eh gpp memang jarang aku tulis koq, jadi gak enak nih...
@Edwin Hey mas, thanks for visiting me back. Yes, thats right, lots things happened while I absent from blogging
@SassyGirl Uhh,,thats good that no such a karaoke box thing in ur country, actually here in asia, mostly South East Asia n East Asia, karaoke box is so plenty of numbers
@Mba Narti ,, hihih thanks ya udh balik mengunjungi blog saya. Anyway, thanks bgt info2 di blog nya, udh bnyk yg saya praktekkan (demi memuaskan hawa nafsu perut ^^)
wah gan mantep artikelnya
visit back ya
Looks like you had a fantastic time... I want to go snorkeling, too! Too bad no one wants to go with me!
Happy new year, Nando :]
@umar .. oke gan,,saya akan mengunjungi balik ^^
@Nashe really, how could thrs no one want to go with a pretty girl like you, or should I taking you out sometime ?
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