Shocked. Thats first impression when I saw her in the movie 'Bob Funk'. She has less than a minute role in there and the best part is she speaks some Bahasa (Indonesian language) there. Its an honor for me (specially for entire Indonesia, maybe) having such a wonderful 'little' (little mean she has tiny body) girl in a BIG hollywood. Yes it is. I admit that she still can't be compare to another Asian actresses/actors who had big name in hollywood like Zhang Ziyi, Rain, or even Jackie Chan, but I'm preety sure she'll get this big on her name in hollywood. Her name is Tania Gunadi. You can googling it, and you'll find more about her and her acting-resumes.
In case you kindalike lazy to type her name on google. Here are I give you the link, so you can just click.
One thing I wonder about this girl is, why here in Indonesia, she's such less of camera'hit or news about her or something like publicity. Don't we as Indonesian should supporting her career or what. It made me no wonder why there such no Indonesian getting big in international career. But hey, here I am, supporting her (on my way, blogging about her I guess). Bravo for her.
namanya masih asing...
padahal sudah go internasional ya?
Saatnya orang kita dikenal di luar sana. Dari dulu kita jago kandang melulu yach... Semoga ini membawa sesuatu yang positif bagi kita...
ya ampuun, namanya ga pernah kedengeran ya?lo sendiri nemu darimana?sayang banget padahal dia udah berprestasi, ckckckkck, semoga dia ga lupa sama Indonesia
@narti .. iya msh asing, kurang diekspose aja sama media sini. Terlalu sibuk ngurusin artis2 gila gosip doank kalo di indonesia ^^
@mas'edwin aminnn..smoga makin banyak anak bangsa yg berprestasi sampe ke luar negeri
@carissa gue prtama kali nemu (beuh bahasa gue) dia di film Bob Funk, dia jadi figuran tp dapet dialog dikit bgt (bkn hal gmpang di hollywood jd figuran dpt dialog). Nah trus gue search ttg nih orang, tnyata dia pemeran utama dari serial tv disney channel di sana. Klo gk slah judulnya Aaron Stone (sjenis dgn hanna montanah gitu lah tipe nya)..
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