Pictures from 32nd Jazz Goes To Campus event on University of Indonesia, Depok. Its a fun yet poop day. I enjoyed the day with my best friends, Pipit, Nuky, Jazz and Sukro (all are their nickname), and of course with Eaz and Denis, but we have no pictures together due they (eaz and denis) were ran away from us in order to enjoy their 'the-two-of-us' moment. ups. lol. Okay, with no more words, please enjoy the pictures :
Senin, November 30, 2009
Jazz Goes To Campus 2009
1 commentsJumat, November 27, 2009
Happy Eid Al-adha, ThanksGiving - someone give laptop ?!?
0 commentsFirst of all, I would like to say 'Happy Idul Adha for those who celebrate it, and also Happy Thanks Giving for those American'. Yes, today is Idul Adha for muslims. Time to get on together with whole big families, time for eat cow and goat meat, its a celebration for muslims. Even I'm not muslim, yes, still I want to congrats my friends, 'cause many of my friends are muslims and I love them all, so I have to appreciate them too. Eid al-adha reminds me during my elementary, when a day before Eid Al-adha came, I usually go with all my friends to mosque near my school to accompanied them for 'takbiran', of course I didnt come in to the mosque with them, but I waited near from mosque untill my friends finish their pray. After that, we continued our day to playing around, well I mean walked around trace our neighborhood.
Couple minutes ago, when I'm tweeted about Idul Adha and Thanks Giving, I log on and browsed 20somethingblogger. I found one member made me suprise with his cool blog, he wrote on his blog 'Oprah Gives Car, I give laptops - Get Yours!'. The title made me curious, so I keep read his blog and find out how to get mine the laptop ? and you kno what ? its totally easy how to join this 'get yours' laptop, just comment on his blog. I've joined, why dont you make your self in to it too? just click this link and read the rules and start the comments. As simple as turn your palms.
Sabtu, November 21, 2009
Someone gave me an award (exciting)
9 commentsToday, I'm so suprised when check my blog from the expo event I attended this afternoon, and see comment from my friend that he gave me an awards, he called the award for me as 'blogger award community'. Its kind like, uh, what ? I got an award? Is it real ? I'm so thank to God, with this award, made me feel happy, 'cause I think with someone's giving we award, that someone like reading into our blog and it seems like we've giving something for their daily life, isn't it ? or I just act too much for this award ? LOL, but sure, this award is mean for me, for my blogging activities, for my writing activities, and so on. Make me say to my own self that I must do better and better every day, everytime, every second.

Jumat, November 20, 2009
PayPerPost new version v4.0
3 commentsIts about a minute ago, I'm googling and find this great news. You know payperpost just released their new version, so it become payperpost v4.0 alpha. This is one of great site I've ever joined, its the right place for blogger and advertiser met up and doing mutually beneficial among them. The advertiser could put what product they want to promote and bloggers will do the promote into their blog, of course the advertiser should give a couple bucks as a payment. I said that this is the good place for promoting products, like we already know, blogger getteing bigger and bigger everyday with a lot of readers. Million blogger spread all in the whole world, so it looks like the right decision to hand over the promotion problem to the bloggers.
Rabu, November 18, 2009
Day Heroes Nov-10-2009 and 2012 :: Quote of the week #7
0 commentsYesterday I just watched 2012, movie about how and when the world is going to face it 'rest-in-peace' or in the movie they called it was the world expired (lol, cause when I saw this text 'expired', reminds me to the canned-food with expired date). Okay, I'll talk about this movie next, here first I want to talk about my country celebrated Day Heroes on last Tuesday, November 10, 2009.
Minggu, November 15, 2009
Last Technical Meeting for ICE 2009
5 commentsYesterday morning was the last technical meeting I attended for Indonesian Consumunity Expo 2009 with Prasetya Mulya Business School and around 140 consumunity. Technical meeting with the organizer and other community sounds like a great experienced I have. One-two things I love from joining this expo as a committee is meet new peoples, meet new experience and also expanding my friendship-link. For information, I'm a committee from mig33rs Indonesia Community and we included into Zone of Games and Technology. This expo will be our first as a participant, but even we are new for this expo, the organizer entrust us (Mig33rs Community) as a PIC (Personal in Charge) who responsible for Zone of Games and Technology on D-day. Its like compliment for our community for being entrusted to be PIC for the Zone of Games and Technology.
The expo it self will held on November 21 and 22, 2009. Starts from 9am and will close about 10pm, sponsored by KOMPAS GRAMEDIA, SWA Media INc, Smart FM, Metro TV, Yamaha Indonesia and BCA, also supported by Warta Kota, Tabloid OTOMOTIF, MOTOR Magazine, Tabloid BOLA, Tabloid Bolavaganza and Tabloid Gaya Hidup Sehat.
Here I attach the official poster of Indonesia Consumunity Expo 2009 that I got from the organizer, Prasetya Mulya Business School.
So, for you guys who have no idea where to go on this weekend. Why dont you come to this Expo ? Just drag your foot-ass to Senayan East Park Side, South Jakarta and find the Zone of Games and Technology then find Mig33rs Community's stand and you'll find me there (in case you are one of freak people who so crazy about me. lol).
Rabu, November 11, 2009
Our (HUTAHITA fotografia) FIRST CLIENT(s)
1 commentsYea, thank to the Lord. Finally HUTAHITA fotografia got first client(s), Novita Sari Harahap and Ratu Intan Wulan Sari. We used KOTA TUA, North Jakarta, Indonesia as the location. With different style each other, gothic or black style for Novita Sari Harahap's pictures and Angel's look or White look for Ratu Intan Wulan Sari.
Selasa, November 10, 2009
Rabu, November 04, 2009
I can't live without these - 20SB Blog Carnival
4 commentsJust saw littleinsomniaclolita's twitter status, she wrote about new post on her blog. Then I clicked to her blog, read about 20SB Blog Carnival. After read her post, I'm thinking to join the blogger carnival. I clicked 20sb blog to find out the details about this such a great topic carnival.
1. My Mom, i dont count my whole family but only my mom. Why ? I don't know, but when my dad passed away couple years a go, nothing happened with me or my life. No such a great sadness happened, no such a great loss feeling, not such a big deal for me live without dad. Different with mom, I felt like I'm so lonely/oprhan child if she leave me. She's like my vitamin to walk on my live, to reach my success and to be a better man than before.
3. BOLANG mig33. My friends, we all met first from online community Mig33 untill to the reality world. We've been through a lot of things, sad, happy even flat feelings. The most crazy things, we did backpacker journey to thousand island, yogyakarta, solo and also bali, once again with backpacker style, less money just togetherness feeling.
Minggu, November 01, 2009
JavaSoulNation + Car Free Day
2 commentsThis time my post will about my finally came to javasoulnation festival (its the biggest festival hip-hop, rap, rnb, and soul genre music in indonesia) and also will about my finally came to sudirman street (central jakarta) to join a weekly car free day (from 5am to 2pm).
First, I'll tell you my big effort to watch the festival music. I woke up at 5 in the morning, then I do some exercises, cleaning my self to the bathroom, had a breakfasted untill 8am. From 8am, I turned on my brother's notebook so I did browse untill 1.30pm. In 1.30pm I groomed my self for prepared to go to the festival music. Wasting my waiting time with smoking some ciggaretes untill 2pm, I move my ass to meet my friend, aymi to ride away together to the festival by bus. The funny is, I lost my direction to the meeting point, I missed the meeting point place, so I have to turn back again and spend more money for transportation cost. Four passed twenty-minutes, me and my friend aymi arrived on istora senayan (where the festival music helded).
Now, what all I want to do after 2 busy-dizzy-crazy days is SLEEP thightly. Thanks.
p.s : All pictures taken by Samsung Mobile SGH i450.