Have you ever feel that like your life become so bored ? Like 'uh, I'm stuck and hate this condition, someone cheers me up please?' or like 'I hate to be alone in home, why did all people leaving to the mall without me? ughhh,,really it is sooo..arggghh'. So, have you ? if you never felt like that, lucky you, but if you felt those frickin emotion, you better cheer up 'cause I have one might very useful tip. It's really my very own experienced.
Once, about couple days ago, when I felt so bored while all my brothers and sisters were leaving to have their very fun time (I typed it with an envy feelings.lol.) to amusement park, well you can call its like Disney Land in Hongkong. That day I really had no idea what should I do. Angry, bored yet envy, all emotions mixed become one made me so frustated. As usual, or maybe it's just my habit, when boredom attacks me soon I must be have stronger desire to eat and eat just to make me feel calm. So, that day I opened refrigerator seeking couple foods to beat down to my stomach but there is food which really pull my attention with its very bright yellow-red color texted Tango Waffle Crunchox on its package. I opened it and put the waffle to my mouth, starts with tempted my tounge then crunchy when it met my teeth, really a great combination between crunchy and great taste. Soon after bite it all, my sour-like-younggrape face turn into sweet-like-sugar with a big smile on my face. I felt so happy after eating that Tango Waffle Crunchox, it works turn on my mood from level zero to ten and I'm in love at first bite with it. Seems like I really don't care anymore with the fact all my brothers and sisters are having a good time to amusement park without me.
From that day, I always can't hold myself to not eat that frickin great taste Tango Waffle Crunchox and I buy it almost everyday now. I never imagine one small package of waffle could made my day, it works on me and I'm sure it will works on you too guys. You should try it, it will change you bad mood into a good one, and off course not only worth to those with bad mood but it also will keep those who in a great of mood. Its not a big snack, but it will make a big smile on your face. So, SIZE really does not matter in this case.
Ohyeah, In case you wonder what Tango Waffle Crunchox really is, here I present you the official video about it or you can check to their official twitter account. Check this out :
One more thing, by buying this snack you're helping kids who suffers cause of malnutrition. Check this video out :
Last but not the least, I wish you all have a great experience as I already had with Tango Waffle Crunchox.
wow.. I like it too..
and I like the way you eat.. hemm.. the taste yummy..
great taste! tested...
i like this, because life will not be easy,
but with Tango Waffle life so eazy
nahh kalo ini gue juga suka.. di toko retail sebelah biasa beli 10.500/pack gue.... :)))
jadinya berebut sama ponakan gue yg umur 3.5taun. #bahasaindonesia
Wow, really ? I think I'm going to mimimart near my house to get couple of this snacks.
i really love this snack >,<
great taste
heem...saya sih lebih suka wafer Superman...tp boleh lah saya coba yg satu ini (Tango Waffle Crunchox)
i can't imagine u eat that snacks 1 box/day by ur self without anything....
my suggestion:
- eat waffle crunchox by rice, (indonesian characteristic) eat without rice is nonsense, lol
- eat waffle crunchox while u imagine on bangkok with much money wkwkwkwkwk...
- eat waffle crunchox while u imagine ur side is Luna Maya wkwkwkwk
- eat waffle crunchox not for share,..coz ngurangin jatah lu....
yes, this snack makes me wanna bite and bite it again.. can't stop!!
[at] reztycira .yup it is great indeed
[at] dedeliciouzz .yes it is bro, you should give it a try
[at] eaz . LOL. thanks for the comment bro
[at] fabi .hadeh lu, jgn rebutan donk ama ponakan yg msh kecil, bagi rata yg adil, gmn c :))
[at] idasusilowati .yup you shud try this, dont forget to give note here what you feel after eat the snack, okay ?
[at] niyanni .wow, we have in common about snack
[at] M.F.H.M .Sip bro, coba aja, pasti ntar jdi ketagihan ngilernya
[at] Nuky Freudian .LOL. okay-okay, I'm gonna think about ur suggestions, thanks anyway bro
[at] tari .is it ? so, welcome to the club of tango waffle crunchox freaker
I can't tell you how delicious this snack.. Tango wafer cranchox absolutely very very fantastic.. The taste is so amazing.. I like it so much..
jadi ga bisa jauh-jauh dari ngemil gue kalo udah ada crunchox :D
crunchox really good taste enough..
enak tuh pasti, apakaaaahhh
[at] hiqma .you're absolutely right.
[at] shulton >,< asal jgn crunchox gue aja ya yg dicemil
[at]bartlicious .yup, you got the point, this snack is so amazing
[at]baiu .beli n coba gih bay.
Ihhh mpuk kok cemilannya sama ma w c >,< harus hati2 nih kalo lu main ke kos gue brarti kudu diumpetin nih crunchox dari lu. heheh
iddddiiihhhh muka lo kaya cemilannya...jadi bingung gw mau makan yang mana....
tango waffle crunchox hmmm kayanya gag cukup satu deh...(iklan bgt ya)...tapi beneran..
just try it..
kagak bisa tidur tauuuu makan Tango Waffle >,<
jajan Tango Waffle Crunchox ahhh ...
[at]rizmadewi :p woooo,,,enak aja, ada jg gue yg beliin lu tau
[at]icha .gpp dah iklan yg penting emg nyatanya enak bgt >,<
[at]arab a.k.a eaz .jd gmn bro ? udh nyoba kn ? bener enak kn ? mantappp
[at]dedsam >,< bsk kn nonton brg tuh,,bawain satu pack ya ded
Woi lae, mantap bangat itu poto mu pake makan tango segala. Pengenlah aku satu bagi dulu,
can't stop eat that snack >,<
yuppy.. with buy a crunchox we already help those kids :D i love their official video..
[at]ata .okelah lae, ntar gue kasih kalo lu kerumah
[at]reztycira .wakakka,,gpp asal jgn tango gue yg lu makan >,< :p beli sndiri
[at]rara .yup you got the point, not only taste the great snack but we also help those kids who really needs our hands.
is it that tasty???
wow, I just got the tango waffle crunchox, i can't believe it. It taste was so great, for 500IDR only we can get thousands waffle great taste. You guys should try it, Nando talked the truth..
[at]Dwi .yup it is that tasy, you should give it a try
[at]Ida .see what I've talked about? This snacks really brilliant with its taste, and the most good one is we help kids who need our help with their malnutrition problem.
really?? can we help those kids??
okay.. i should try this snack btw.. :)
sepertinya saya akan kewarung terdekat nih :D
cepet2 beli
[at]susi .yes you should
[at]dewi .kalo blm ada duit, ngutang aja dulu ke warung..wkwkwk
Jah e lu suka makan nih waffle juga ya ? Kok samaan sih? (",)
W dirumah jg kalo tiap gajian pasti nyetok tango waffle crunchox ini yg banyak, gak w taro kulkas tapinya. W taro di kamar biar gk ada yg ambil -__-' *pengalaman
Ich aku cneng d, bru ngeh kl bli waffle crunchox bs bntu anak2 yg kekurangan gizi T_T
Klu gitu bsk aku mo promoin ke tman-tman aku ah
[at]Isnie a.k.a Acem .uhhh enaknya yg udh gawe bisa nyetok banyak
[at]RizmaDewi .iya, sesuai kan dgn kerjaan lu sebagai perawat yg suka menolong org lain
aku suka beli nih disekolah..
enak tauuu
crunchox TOP deh
Semoga menang ya do, jgn lupa bagi2 tango waffle crunchoxnya kalo lg beli
patut dicobain nih crunchox
harus cobain! enak!
coklatnya itu kho nendang banget,yummy
mantab bin ajib crunchox
oh nando juga suka toh,samaan dong kita
great taste.. not lying
the most good taste ever...
[at]oktavia, sendi, james, fahmi, bintang, ludy, ichal, diby, dicky n bagus..thanks ya smua udh pada mampir ke blog gue. Jgn lpa terus makan tango waffle crunchoxnya, karna gak cuman dapetin lezatnya crunchox tapi jg sekaligus membantu anak indonesia yg kekurangan gizi loh ^^
mampir mampir.. :D
wah yg punya blog suka crunchox jg ya,,
same with me btw
i heart crunchox
crunchox sooo delicious
crunchox tu du dududududu
iklannya bagus bgt,produknya jg enak bangeettzz
nice blog ^^
i like crunchox too
blog walking..
i do love crunchox
gw jg suka nih cemilan sehat :D
ini cemilan enak banget,kalo ke indomaret gw langsung beli sepak
[at]hanny,renna, suci, arum, eggy, arin, ika, anggy, tasya n rizki :
Thanks udh mampir, skali lagi saya perlu mengampanyekan hal ini (bkn bermaksud mengiklankan sbuah produk) banyak hal yg bisa kita lakukan untuk membantu anak indonesia. Kalau memang kita tidak bisa secara langsung membantu dgn memberikan uang dalam jumlah yg sngat besar, kita bisa membantu mereka dgn cara membeli Tango Waffle Crunchox. Well, let say 1 org beli 1 aja. Anda tahu kalau bakal bnyak anak yg tertolong dgn pembelian anda.
So, kapan lagi coba ? dapetin enaknya waffle crunchox sekaligus bisa membantu sesama ? iya bkn ?
ih bner ndo.. tango waffle crunchox uenak banget. Gue baru aja beli kemaren malem 2 dus, tengkiu buat rekomendasinya ya
Ei ndo udah gue bantu promosiin blog lu ini.. :)) semangat bro
[at]Deddy n Abi .Jah lu pada belum tidur jg toh ? Lagi nikmatin asiknya Crunchox y ? Have fun deh ya brotha
great posting..
pi malah bikin saiah laparrr gini hariii T_T"
Hula, saya udh nyoba nih akhirnya setelah rekomendasi dari blog ini dan ternyata enak banget.
[at]wt .hahah,,makan lah towit
[at]Dewi .bagus-bagus,,jgn lupa promosikan tango waffle crunchox + blog ini ke temen2 ya
great post dude, sure you will have all those fun yet help the kids. I will buy some when I see the snacks on my country...
Mang bener-bener enak nih tango waffle crunchoxnya. Makasih buat rekomendasinya ya bro
[at]anonymous or whatever ur name is .thanks for coming to my blog, and yea you should try this little great taste snacks, in fact by eating this snack u will help kids who had malnutrition
[at]James .sama-sama bro
Lapor ndo, udh nyoba nih tango dan hasilnya benar-benar waffle crunchox yg crunchy n mantap bgt. Oh ya gue jg udah promosiin blog lu ke temen2 gue. Smoga beruntung ya sob (,")
ish-ish-ish, kmaren w abis bli nih tango satu dus donk, kbtulan bgt bokap baru balik dr luar kota slnya. Uhuyyyy snangnya :p
i've tried it and can't stop untill now, what a great taste really. Thx dude for posting this article.
Ke Papua naik delman jangan lupa beli batako
ke sekolah sebelah jgn lupa bawa tango
Akilna kmalen akooh bli tango waffle crunchoxnya to, benelan enak yach. Hadooohh kao klu kelumah akooh bawain ya to buat pacokan dilumah
[at]niyanni, hiqma, renna, anonim thanks ya udh ngikutin saran gue buat makan nih tango crunchox :p
[at]wt.. a.k.a towit .wooooooo,,,masa yg udh gawe mnta ama pngangguran :p btw, ntar sore brg gk kekondangan ?
Gw mau dong. Kok belum pernah dapat ya gw?
hahaha,,si juju alias elyas lu plg malem mulu si jd gk dpt dah kalo gue en nando beli tango :p
[at]Elyas a.k.a Juju n James .hadeh kalian tumben-tumbenan ngomen blog adiknya yg paling keren ini. Hihihihi..anyway thanks ye udh mampir
i've never try this snack before but i think am gonna give it try// thanks anyway
Ini gue ndo joko, gak ngerti cara ngomen spy ada nama muncul gmana ya
btw, kemaren gue udh coba nih tango waffle crunchox , mantap
mantap ya lae, lanjutgan
[at]anonymous .u are very welcome.
[at]joko .hadeh, itu lu pas dipilihan beri komentar sebagai, pilih yg 'Nama/URL' ..nama lu isi,,url lu isi aja link profil FB or twitter lu
[at]ata .sip lae! btw, boado kabarmi?
mantad bro, lanjutgan semangatmu nak !!! {",}
ndo..I've tried it couple days ago and you're right, this snack really great taste. Thanks for your reccomendation anyway.
[at]baiu .yoi. selalu semangat gue :p
[at]dwi a.k.a twin .yes, you're welcome plus don't forget that buying this snacks it means we help kids with malnutrition. Cool, rite ?
woyyy, makan mulu, bagi-bagi kale
Hua, ndO, lu sUka aMa taNgo waFFle CruncHOx jg yaX. cAMaan duN9 yua. bTW, kaLu pAda mo kmPuL j9N Lp kaBAriN 9ue yach
[at]mazbay .wooooo, beli kaliiiiiiii minta :p
[at]siska .iya enak kn ya tango waffle crunchoxnya ? ayo2 trus beli lagi dan dukung membantu para anak dengan kekurangan gizi. Iya ntar gue kabarin kalo pada jalan..
Huahhh,,bagi donk bang. Kalo gua kerumah minta ya. Ohya salam buat namboru ya
Wooooo....jangan mau bang. Jgn mau ngasih si amazia. Oh ya namboru tgl 28 kmaren ultah ya ? salam y bang
ish makin ngiler tiap berkunjung ke blog ini, palagi liat potonya yg lagi makan waffle crunchox tangonya T_T bagiiiiiiiii
[at]amazia n joshua .hus.hus..nih ade kakak ribut aje kerjanya. Kpn lu pade kerumah ? Emak gue ultah tau 2 hr yg lalu, bknnya nyelametin lu :p
[at]hanny .hihihih,,beli sana tango waffle crunchoxnya di warung sebelah gih ^^
Hula, I love this snacks. Really. Great taste, so crunchy and even so cheap. I've never imagined it before get those high-taste in a cheap waffle. Thats cool
Well done dude, keep on the spirit for those kids.
Untung aja kemaren sblum brangkat lu beliin tango waffle crunchox sekotak. Jadi gue di phuket sini ada cemilan yg bisa ingetin sama indonesia deh.
Oya lu mo oleh2 apa ? ntar gue bawain, jgn lupa jagain mama ya..luv u my lil'bro
naik angkot ke taman, tidak lupa pake bando
siang-siang makan, nyemilnya pake tango
Horeeeeeeeeeee.... *nyambung gak sih pantun gue ndo ? dies
[at]anonim1 .yea thanks
[at]bunga .thank you girl
[at]Ida S .Hadeh gk ush dibawain apa2, duitnya aja gue biar bisa beli tango waffle crunchox yg banyak
[at]anonim2 .nyambung2 dah (kepaksa),btw lu saha dah ?
Okedeh postingannya. Semoga sukses ye
[at]Luki .thank you bro
ayo e.e ,, smangattttttttt !!!!!!!
tango waffle crunchox emang enak banget, apalagi kalo lu sampe dapet. Jgn lupa traktir ye :p
Ndo, gue udh dijkarta ni. Ktny lu mo ngsih gue tango atu kerdus. Gue di kos si risma, kemari ya ndo.
the real waffle, so crunchy so delicious. No other but tango waffle crunchox
Okebangetsih tulisan lu ndo. Ngiklan bgt nih kayanya. Anyway good luck ya !!
*tango waffle crunchox emang enak plus murah pula. 500 perak gue bisa dapetin kenikmatan yang tiadataranya, thats great, isn't it ?
Cwit.cwit. gino berusaha mulu neh. Salut-salut. Tapi emang benar, tango waffle crunchox ora ono matena, mantap tenan deh. Patut dicoba !!!
[at]Eaz .iye tnang aje psti gue traktir :p *res
[at]Dede a.k.a Icing .Hu.uh ntar malem ye gue kesitu
[at]Annisa a.k.a Icha .yup you're right
[at]Yara a.k.a mbeb .wkwkwk...ketawan deh, tapi emg bener enak kan :p
[at]danu .yoyoy, tengkyu ya nu.
Sepertinya patut dicoba waffle crunchox ini. Makasih buat rekomendasi snacknya
Hoalah tango waffle crunchox mah aku tau. Aku sering banget beli di alfa mart dkt rumahku. Setiap beli biasanya yg langsung satu kotak itu. Bukan cuma enak aja sih, tapi karena kebetulan aku jg perduli dengan anak-anak Indonesia, kenyataan dengan membeli tango waffle crunchox bisa ngebantu mreka, itu benar2 gak bisa untuk berkata tidak.
[at]Dika ,u are welcome,
[at]gak tau ,yup bener bgt, mndapatkan kenikmatan sensasi waffle crunchox plus membantu anak kekurangan gizi, thats double shot for me. Great job from tango rite ?
duh.. duh.. duh..
Pengakuan jujur : blm prnh coba ini...
tapiiiiii.... gara2 nih photo, jd ikutan beli dah...
en' emang yummy ternyata... :D
[at]tante orizah ,,uhuyyyy akhirnya lu dtg berkunjung ke blog gue ^6 thanks ya, n slamet menikmatin tango waffle crunchox nya ^^
I menghargai, Penyebab saya menemukan hanya apa aku dulu mencari untuk.
Anda memiliki berakhir saya empat panjang berburu!
Tuhan memberkati Anda manusia. Memiliki bagus hari.
my web blog; kaos muslimah murah
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