Didn't I tell you that last week was a long weekend in my country ? As usual, I went holiday, and this time Garut, West Java was my chose - well not me who chose the location actually it was my friend, Nuky who have the idea. I went to Garut on Saturday, while my friend Nuky left a fay earlier on Friday. So, my destination is Nuky's friend's house (his friend name was Taufik, but often to called by his nickname Opick) on Pesawahan, Garut Kota. The view was fucking awesome, the area surrounded by seven volcanoes, and it seemed Garut was the only one are in Indonesia which surrounded by seven volcanoes, isn't that awesome ? If you sayin' no, maybe the natural hot water pool could tease your travel-desires. Not only volanoes and hot-water pool can indulge our body and soul, but there are ten beacc for those who claimed theirselves as beaches-lover, or if you looking for another sensation you can be an impromptu farmer on rice fields there and so many other things we can enjoy in Garut. The location is about an hour from Bandung City or 4 hours from Jakarta.
What a bad was I didn't bring my Lumix with me. The camera still on my friend's CeCe, so this holiday less of pictures to show, wait-wait, oh yeah there are some photos from my corby, the only camera I have that time. Due I used my mobile as camera, it didn't accomodate many pictures caused of the memory limit, but then, like people always says it still better than nothing at all.
Thats it for my unplanned-holiday recap, now I'm gonna tell you something about my Idol, Agnes Monica. I've just got news from a very realiable source saying that Agnes Monica will soon launch her clothing line called ANYE . Hearing a word ANYE, you might rolling your eyes and curious yet feel weird of this word and say 'what the hell is the word mean ?' and according to Agnes Monica's twitter account, ANYE is how French say Agnes. For me, eventhough the name is too weird - specially for Indonesian ears well but the word is actually seems like hypnotize us to asking questions and forces us to find out about the word, isn't mean catchy-enough for a new brand right ?

A little bit explanation about the 'man behind the gun' of this clothing line, Agnes Monica. She's a superstar from Indonesia, her main career are as singer and actress. You can click here to see her performance and here. She started her career at the age 5 years old as a singer and keep maintained her career untill now, a very huge career in entertainment indutry is on her hand. Feel like not enough for the popularity-success in singing and acting's world, she is now on her way to launch her own clothing line, ANYE. Her pre-product has launched on her twitter account, and you all can pre-order to her e-mail anye.by.agnesmonica@gmail.com directly. Here is one of her products you can pre-order :
(image sourced from agnezone.com)
kangen pengen main di sawah...
kalau pakai kamera sendiri lebih puas mau mengabadikan suasana juga puas lihat hasilnya.
tapi yang ini bagus juga pic nya...
kenapa dari kemarin ada tes tes...tapi gak muncul di artikel?
@narti .. mba,,lama tak bersuah nih. Apa kabar ? Hahh,sma aku jg kmaren pas liat sawah senang bgt, lngsung aja tnpa ba-bi-bu ikutan nimbrung ke sawah.
Oh ya kmaren lg tes read more, gk tau knapa tulisan Read More gk kliatan pas saya coba. Anyway, jgn lupa kunjungi blog aku yang satu lagi ya :
@Dedi ,,thanks
wow, that was amazing.
agnes monica is incredible, fantastic, great and so on,,,
i will certainly order anye.
what a good stuff!!!!!
..just go go go...you take the point...
Duileh jalan-jalan mulu niye
[at]anonymous/anonim .well, she is. Yup, you should order it now. See to her FB page for more of collections
[at]M.F.H.M .lol, thanks for visiting
[at]Ida .iya donkkk,,jalan2 sebuah terapi otak :p
si e.e jlan-jlan mulu dan penggila agnes banget c, sampe-sampe posting blog ttg dia. Gue kapan lu bahas? *ngarepdotcom
[at]Isnie a.k.a acem .wkwkw..iya donk, hidup harus dinikmatin, salah satunya buat jlan-jalan. Woooooooo...malay beud nulis ttg lu :p
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