Minggu, Maret 21, 2010

Another shit shot from my Lumix

Well, lately I'm about more and more in love with photography stuffs. With my curiosity yet my wanna-be photographer style, I always carry my digital camera in my hand - almost every step I take, I always bring it (too much ha ? LOL, yap, I think its too much). You all must say I'm an autistic person, who always hand the digital camera in my hand and keep taking pictures - but again, who cares 'cause I like it (at least for now).

Here are my shots. The first is pancake which made by my self, well probably it was the best pancake I ever made *. Second picture is Skybuilding in Central Jakarta called 'Wisma BNI 46' *, the building shaped just like a blue pen.


wisma BNI 46, Sudirman

So what you guys think ? Need a-or-two comment and advice, please.

* best pancake I ever made after four times tried
* Wisma BNI 46 is 250meters tall. Now it's known as the highest building in Indonesia


narti mengatakan...

kalau suka mengabadikan hal disekitar kita, memang jd kebiasaan kemana2 bawa kamera.hehe...
mau dong pancake nya...

sda mengatakan...

kalau ngomentarin hasil photonya aku gak ngerti...
coba masuk ke kolom photografi harian ibu kota...bisa sharing disana.

reztycira mengatakan...

pancakenya udh bgs ndo..hihihi

emm.. pohonnya kalo diblur lebih bgs deh kayaknya jd buildingnya lbh fokus..
menurut gw sih gitu

but overall sih mantaabbb

putri ayuningtyas mengatakan...

liat gedung itu jadi kangen jakartaaaa.. :(

morrownow mengatakan...

I'm no expert in photography, but that photo of the pancake looks awesome. The pancake itself looks crazy delicious too. Good job on it. The Skybuilding is cool, but I guess you have to be really lucky with the weather to get the correct lighting on it.

nando.gino mengatakan...

@narti..thanks mba

@rezty..hu.uh udh trlanjur edit, pgn edit trus upload ulang gk lucu ntar. Emg kyanya tuh phon prefer digelapin skalian atau di blur drpd bgono ya

@putri .. kpn balik ke jkarta ?

@morrownow .. thanks buddy, yea, i thought so, i'm so lucky to get the right moment to captured the building

Guilty of Gossip mengatakan...

I like these photos a lot- my friend had a lumix and i was always really jealous of the clarity in the photos... and that pancake looks AMAZING!

Fr3n'z Productions mengatakan...

Teknik foto yang bagus ... bisa tuker link ... thank's

nando.gino mengatakan...

@Guilty of Gossip ... thanks for the compliment.

@Fr3nz .. makasih, boleh tukeran link kok ^^

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