is a quote from movie Letters from Iwo Jima.
I just watched this movie yesterday (you can call me outdated, but hell yeah I dont care) on national channel here. I have to say the movie was well directed by Clint Eastwood yet with great acted by Japanese actor Ken Watanabe, and I can say this movie was GREAT movie. But I wont talk about the synopsis, how many awards earned, what movie-critics said. Here I want show how the words spelled by Baron Nishi (when he read the letter from the mother of Sam '..and always do what's right because it's right' amazed me from the time I heard it 'till now I post this. But then, I kept thinking and questioning myself, what's the right thing to do in life ? if do thing what most-people think right is the essential of 'right' word ? or it just go thru what you think right is the right thing ? If I may add couple words between, I'll change the quote become '..and always do what's right for you because it's right (at least to your self)'. 'Coz for me, theres none know what's right for us better than ourself.
makasih sobat atas koment lagu saya...sungguh sangat berarti
hiks malah lum lihat filmnya nih...
makasih ulasannya.
kayaknya bagus juga...
makasih infonya, bisa ngasih inspirasi.
terimakasih atas komentar sahabat di blog saya...sungguh sangat berarti
suka filmnya
aku hampir nonton film itu di teve malam itu, tapi ngantuk berat, nggak jadi deh. cuma nonton tokyo drift doang hihihi
@mba narti,,the pleasure is mine,,ur welcome
@willyo,,ur welcome
@resep makanan,,silahkan,,sering2 mampir ya ^^
@readhermind-dy .. hu.uh,filmnya bagus bgt ya >,<
@mas erwin,,wah-wah,,sama,,saya jg nonton mulai dari tokyo drift itu,,trus lanjut ke iwo jima..Hahah,,maklumlah kalo anak muda biasa berdagang gk ada kerjaan soalnya ^^
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