Selasa, Desember 01, 2009

My adventure to Cilember Waterfall

It happen on last friday November 27, 2009. My self, Deddy and Bornok dida a trip to Cileumber waterfall, which located on Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. At first, about 3 or 4 days before the day, we did some discussion (with hirman and ata too) about the trip with others. From our discussion, we suppose to did the journey with Hirman's car to Ciater (its a public , but unfortunately hirman canceled a day before d-day. Its made me and bornok crazy, we are people who badly wanted to do a traveling, and heard that cancelation from hirman forced us to made an alternative plan. Thought so hard, finally we agreed to go to Cileumber waterfall by bus, in that moment, its like there's nothing cant stop our strong desire to have some fun.

A little bit information, this waterfall has 7 level of its waterfall, first waterfall we met from entrance called as 7th waterfall or in bahasa 'curug ke tujuh' and the top we called as 1st waterfall, in bahasa 'curug pertama'. From the 7th waterfall to the 1st waterfall took about 2 or 3 hours, and I'm proud, that me and my friends success reached to the highest waterfall, 1st waterfall. Well here we are (i mean our pictures) from our great-great-great adventure to Cileumber waterfall :


Below are tracks that we passed through :


and these are my poses ^^


Travel info :

- bus from tj. priok/rw.mangun to ciawi IDR 10.000,-
- angkot from ciawi to cilember IDR 4.000,-
- from cilember big road to waterfalls by motortaxi 'ojek' IDR 10.000,- (well, actually it depends on how best our bid)
- ticket entrance to Cilember waterfall IDR 10.000,-

.. to do cost-effective, me and my friends bring food stock from home for our lunch there.


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