Senin, Desember 21, 2009



Sudah hampir 2 bulan lebih tidak posting dengan bahasa utama gue, bahasa Indonesia, akhirnya sekarang memutuskan untuk menulis lagi dalam bahasa Indonesia. Belakangan lebih sering menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam penulisan di blog ini, bukan semata untuk unjuk kebolehan berbahasa Inggris gue yang bisa dibilang masih buruk, tapi semata-mata hanya sebagian dari proses pemupukkan percaya diri dan juga proses pembelajaran dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Dalam postingan kali ini boleh dibilang spesial, spesial karena gue menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, spesial karena akan sedikit mengulas (atau paling tidak memberikan link trailer pilem SANG PEMIMPI) juga spesial karena gue akan menulis sebuah janji yang sudah gue buat dari beberapa tahun lalu, sampai sekarang masih gue pegang teguh juga sampai sekarang saya masih berjuang keras untuk mewujudkan mimpi gue tersebut.

Kita mulai sekarang ? Satu, dua dan ... mulai.

Tanggal 18 Desembert 2009, tepatnya jatuh di hari jumat kemarin (sekita jam 2-an). Gue dan teman-teman bolang mengadakan temu-kangen yang cukup singkat (menurut gue). Kronologisnya kurang lebih seperti ini :

Jam 13.55 : Gue sampai di TKP

Jam 14.10 : Nuky sampai di TKP

Jam 14,30 : Eaz sampai di TKP

Jam 14.45 : Putri sampai di TKP

Jam 14.55 : Nuky menelepon Jazz 'n sukro untuk datang menyusul

Jam 16.10 : Gue, Nuky, Eaz dan Putri ke dalam blok-m Plasa

Jam 16.10 - 17.05 : Ber-4 muter-muter gak jelas didalam blok-m plasa yang pada akhirnya terbawa ke lokasi karaoke-box di lantai 5.

Jam 17.20 : Jazz dan Sukro tiba di lokasi karaoke-box

Jam 17.40 : Mulai bernyanyi hingga + 40 menit selanjutnya

Jam 18.40 : Kami ber-6 Lanjut ke Blok-M square untuk membeli tiket bioskop SANG PEMIMPI

Jam 19.20 : Tiba di Blok-M Square bukannya menuju bioskop untuk beli tiket tapi langsung menuju ke parkiran lantai atas untuk merokok (yang merokok cuma gue dan nuky)

Jam 19.35 : Cacing a.k.a Dede Suherman tiba di Blok-M square dan mengajak (ups, maksud gue beliau bukan sekedar mengajak melainkan juga mentraaktir) kami makan di D'cost

Jam 20.20 : Ber-7 keluar dari D'cost dengan perut membesar dan kembali lagi menuju ke parkiran untuk merokok (sekali lagi, yang merokok cuma gue 'n nuky)

Jam 20.30 : Jazz 'n Sukro ijin ke barito karena tidak ikut nonton

Jam 20.37 : gue, nuky, eaz, putri 'n icing masuk ke dalam bisokop membeli tiket SANG PEMIMPI (yang mulainya jam 21.25)

Jam 21.25 : masuk ke dalam theater 1 dan mulai menonton SANG PEMIMPI

Jam 23.55 : Keluar bioskop

Oke, sampai disitu aja review kegiatan gue waktu tanggal 18 Desember 2009 bersama para bolang ^^

Sekarang fokus ke cerita di balik SANG PEMIMPI dan janji gue SANG PEMIMPI. Sang pemimpi adalah sekuel dari pilem pertama yang berjudul LASKAR PELANGI, pilem yang kedua ini lebih menceritakan kisah Ikal (sang karakter utama) semasa SMA bersama sepupunya Arai dan kawan barunya Jimbron. Ketiga tokoh utama dengan tiga sifat yang sangat berbeda. Ikal dengan karakter seorang yang pintar tapi sedikit apatis/pesimis, Arai yang selalu semangat, tersenyum dan tidak takut untuk mengambil resiko dan Jimbron yang mungkin paling bodoh diantara dua karakter utamanya, namun mempunyai mimpi yang sangat besar dan memiliki rasa persahabatan yang tinggi.

Ada satu kutipan yang gue sangat gue suka dari pilem ini, yaitu pada saat karakter Pak Balia berkata :
Yang penting dari mimpi, bukanlah seberapa besar mimpi itu, tapi sebesar apa kita untuk mimpi itu - Pak Balia
Sedikit bocoran, pada saat adegan dimana Ayahnya Ikal datang kesekolah dengan baju safari kebanggaannya untuk mengambil rapor Ikal, dan rapor Ikal hasilnya termaksud yang terbelakang. Sang ayah tidak marah, melainkan tetap tersenyum dan terus tersenyum disaat mengayuh sepedanya untuk kembali pulang kerumah. Gue menangis, menangis terharu. Itu yang terjadi kepada mata gue pada saat melihat adegan tersebut. Seketika itu juga gue teringat akan bapa gue. Bapa yang sudah 3 tahun lebih meninggalkan gue dan keluarga gue. Bapa yang semasa hidupnya sangat berjuang keras, sangat keras, untuk bisa menafkahi keluarga, seorang bapa yang sudah menjadi contoh yang sangat baik (setidaknya buat gue), Permin F. Tampubolon, dialah sang bapa terbaik yang pernah gue miliki selain Tuhan Yesus.

Masih terngiang dikepala, sebuah janji yang sudah lama gue janjikan kepada beliau. Janji yang masih gue ingat dan akan terus gue ingat, hingga pada akhirnya janji tersebut tercapai. Pertama kali gue lontarkan janji itu pada saat duduk di bangku SMP, gue bilang ke bapa gue 'Pak, tau gak ? suatu hari nanti gue pasti bisa pergi ke Amerika dan menjadi orang sukses'. Bapa gue bilang 'Bah, hebat kali angan-anganmu nak, amin, Bapa doain kamu bisa'. Janji itu terus dan terus gue ucapin sewaktu bapa gue masih hidup. Dan saat ini, saat gue duduk dibangku putih tepat didepan laptop gue mengetik, janji itu belum juga gue tepati. Entah kapan janji itu akan gue wujudkan, tapi yang pasti gue tahu kalau Gue adalah Sang Pemimpi yang tidak hanya bermimpi tapi juga berusaha mewujudkan mimpi gue itu semua. Perjalanan gue belum berakhir, mimpi gue belum berakhir, semua akan terus berlangsung dan gue akan terus bermimpi juga terus berusaha mewujudkannya pada dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Karena gue percaya akan mimpi gue, dan gue percaya kalau gue bisa mewujudkan itu semua.

Rabu, Desember 16, 2009

Agnes Monica Tribute to MJ (from Trans 8isa)


Couple hours ago Agnes Monica* did a great performance on Trans Corp anniversary. Total, she did 3 performances, but her medley tribute to MJ is I like the most. Here's the video recorded from television : (thanks to blastoop for uploaded the videos)

*for information Agnes Monica is one of the hottest, greatest yet the most talented diva in Indonesia (or even on South East Asia), and yes she's my inspiration

Selasa, Desember 15, 2009

My change in a Rush with Best Packaging


Ting.Tong. its time to put a new post on this blog about Best of 2009 Blog Challenge. Three topics I have to post today, the topics are :

December 13 What's the best change you made to the place you live?

December 14 Rush. When did you get your best rush of the year?

December 15 Best packaging. Did your headphones come in a sweet case? See a bottle of tea in another country that stood off the shelves? (taken from GwenBell's blog)

So, let's we start the post. First, change I made to the place I live ? Hum, i dont think I've made a or some change(s) in my place. But, let me think..humm..nothings big I guess, but I think the best change I've done was installing christmas tree couple days a go. I did it by my self, when most member my family seems like didnt gave some attention to this christmas, I'm the one who still has what people always say 'christmas spirit', so I went installed the christmas tree and put it in the living room. Not so big christmas tree, yet not too small. Oh yea, a little sad maybe, the tree has no christmas lamp. Yea, I know, christmas tree without lamp sound like a crap, but it still a good christmas tree though. Well, I hope there's still a christmas spirit in my house for this year, hope.

Now, let get in a rush write what my best rush in this 2009 ? it was build my photography business with my friend and my brother. It was only a month discussion before finally we amde our own photography. Still a big scale of course, with only one camera, one pc, three employee (which are me, my friend and my brother), less of fame, but we are believe that we can bring it into the next level of business world. So far we have 2 clients only, first we done the photography session on last november and another on next april. We still in our process to reach the top of business level. So, please, pray for us ^^, anyway, feel free to see our portfolio on

Best packaging, em, I hands up, I cant even remember buy something with packaging. I let this topic blank.

Alrite, I'm done for best blog day 13-15. How about you guys ? Are you in to this challenge ? Let me know it.

Sabtu, Desember 12, 2009

Challenge, Album Of The Year, The Best Place and New Food


Wow, its already December 12th, 2009, 2 inthe morning actually here, in my country. I'm sitting infront of the laptop to post 4 topics for The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge. Its too late, or not ? Ok, I admit that I'm 2 days behind from the date I supposed to post for this blog challenge. Wanna know the reason ? I'm too busy (or looks busy) for my new blog on Yup, I made new blog on with url nandogino. I made it about 4 days ago, than the situation suddenly come, I'm enjoy my new blog too much (well, its normal right ? isn't it ? we're just too hapy/too much enjoy for our new stuff). Lucky me (well, it should 'lucky for'), my brain wake me and told me to post something on my blogspot blog.

Due I have to post 4 themes at once, I will make it a quick post.

First topic, about challenge. My big challenged for this year was my backpacker'style trip to Bali with my bolang friends. 1.398,3 km, total distances we spent. With economic train (train in jakarta is far different with train that you have in new york, tokyo or somewhere else. I must admit train here in Indonesia far from clean, far from proper facilities, etc) from Station Senen to Surabaya, then we continued our trip with mini travel bus to kuta, bali. Bring less money than it should, less preparation, had breakfast on lunch time, and had lunch+dinner on dinner time, the worst thing (but for me the best thing) was had an one night sleep on the beach (due lack of money). Even with much pains we shared on this trip, but we considered the trip was the best we ever had in this 2009. We learned lot of things, from waiting something, faced our hunger (now we know what the orphans on the street felt when they would fain untill die only for a handfull of rice ), and so many more I have learnt from our trip to bali.

[our silhouette on dreamland beach, bali]

Second topic, Album of the year. What's rocking your world? I will say Agnes Monica's newest album called 'Sacredly Agnezious' was the best album I ever heard for this year. Great singer from Indonesia. For you who haven't hear about her songs yet, please come to for further info about her songs and her news.

Third, The best place. Humm,, I consider the best place is as the best place for hang out. So, i will give my award for best place of 2009 to Ayodya Barito Park, South Jakarta, Indonesia. Its a public park. I usually go there on the weekend with my friends.

Now, last but not the least for today, best New Food for 2009. Doesn't want to be such a self adorer, but I'll say my cooked called 'omlete keju' in english it means 'omelette cheese'. But my 'omelette cheese' definitely different from american or europe's omelette. The best part from my omelette, the omelette is mixed from noodle and egg with cheese as topping. How with the taste ? hemmm,,its so yummy.

Okay, finally. Its done. Four topics of blog challenge for today. I'm gonna continue my sleep. Bye all.

Selasa, Desember 08, 2009

Blog find of the year in a Moment of peace


Its 8 in the morning here in Jakarta, Indonesia. I just get up from my bed nad had some breakfast. Now its time for me to post The Best of 209 Blog Challenge. Due yesterday I didnt post about this challenge, so today I'll post two themes at once.

First, What blog find of the year for me ? Well, without hesitation I'll say as my best blog find for 2009. I even can't remember how can my finger found this amazing social network site. I just remembered that I was on my way about blog walking (If I aint wrong, it was on may I found 20sb). Soon after I saw this social network, I registered and start enjoy explore the site. Lot things I got from, I got more blog'friends, I got place to promote my blog, my blog got more readers and of course I learn free about english (all members speak with english language, in other words it forced me to learn more about english). Despite, 20something blogger is the best social network for those who blogging and age under 30. With 9,000 more members joined the site, the right place to promote your blog, discuss topic with other members, and get some giveaways ? Please, admit it, you tempted to see and join this social network, dont you ?

Visit 20 Something Bloggers

Stop being like a sycophant, promoting 20sb too much. Time to move to the second theme, Moment of peace. I would say September was my best moment of peace. That time, I did yoga almost every day, and I enjoyed my yoga days. I love yoga very much, its not only made me healthier, but it also keep our body more relaxed and flexible. Of course I can say that yoga is a cheap sport, we can do this at home and need no big space. Unfortunately, I'm kind a moody guy, I stopped yoga on November, but thanks Jesus, now I get my mood again, so I do my yoga back.

Minggu, Desember 06, 2009

Christmas Celebration + Blog Challenge 2009::Night Out and Workshop


Yesterday was christmas celebration from Tiberias Church, held on Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta. Its kind like a biggest christmas celebration ever in Indonesia (maybe). I went there with my sister - Ida Susilowati and my brother - Elyas Tampubolon. Its been almost 5 years we didnt go for christmas celebration together. Wll, you can call its like a christmas reunion for us. There are two guest star in that night, one is grammy winner for best traditional gospel album, Israel Houghton and Ps. Peter Youngren. That night was so crowded, can you imagine ? a football stadium with 88,083 capacity transformed as christmas celebration spot. Totally crowded, lot of yell and claps, but still, even there's so crowded at that night, I have my one favourite moment. When there was time for lit up the candle and sanf 'o holy night'. All lamps on stadium off, one by one candle started glow and shine. Here's picture below that showed view from my favourite moment at that christmas night.

view from top

How ? dont you think it was incredible ? More than 50,000 candles are flared up and glow look like they were fireflies.
Stop about my christmas celebration, continue to The Best of 2009 Blog Challege, now I'll post two days theme at once. First, about my best night out. It was a night with all my Mig33 friends (like Eaz, Bayu, Ceiban, Ecko, and many more) at Hard Rock Cafe, Jakarta on July 5th, 2009. Crazy night, not only for gathered with more than 100 friends from Mig33, but sure because I represented my group won (2nd winner actually) on 'kicking competition' , also we all treated by Steven Goh (CEO of Mig33) , not only a portion of steak or a glass of juice, but we treated 'all we can it' menu from Hard Rock Cafe.

kicking competition
waiting for dinner
winner results

About workshop, the best workshop I attended was on Indonesian Consumunity Expo 2009, November 21st, 2009, Jakarta. The workshop held on Indonesian Mac Club Booth, its about how to do a great presentation to clients. For sample, they gave Steve Jobs presentation when him present IPhone for Apple's new product to the world. I thank that I attended to this workshop, so made me understant about giving a good presentation to clients. Unfortunately I have no my pictures from that workshop.

So there's my story for now. How about you guys ?

Jumat, Desember 04, 2009

The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge - Book


Even its late already to join the best of 2009 blog challenge, but still I'm in to this challenge. And according to theme for today is about book. What is my best ever read book for this year, 2009? I'll give the award to The Secret. Its about presents what is claimed to be a centuries-old idea, the pseudo-scientific Law of Attraction, which in essence is the power of an individual's positive thinking to change and influence outcomes in their lives (wikipedia). I love the main idea about this book, you know, i think it so make sense that if we think positive, then the good thing also will come to us. Its all about power minding, how good you control your mind (i mean in positive), then the universe will give the good income to us. So, please, control your mind in a good way to get best what will universe give to you. KEEP POSITIVE THINKING !!

Kamis, Desember 03, 2009

10 Things I Want For Christmas


YEHAAAA,,its december, okay i bet you already know what make december special for me (or even for over million people in the world). Yup, your guess is right, its christmas what makes december is so special. Christmas, not only about celebrate Jesus Christ birthday, but its all about gather together with whole family, eat ? yes. chit-chat ? yes cooking ? yes. and so many other fun yet great stuffs i usually did with my family on christmas time. Of course, christmas is all about make some wish or maybe make some new resolution for the next year, and these are what all i want for christmas (new resolution for the next year later will post when december 31st is right in front of my eyes) :

First, In this Christmas, I want all my family (sisters, brothers, nephew, niece, n mom) could gather together to have some fun at home. Its a must..

Second, I wanna have a new (or second) GSM Mobile Phone. Want it badly,,please, santaclause, if u read it, dont forget to come on chirstmas night to my room, i'll let it open for You >,<

Third, I want have an (or some) holiday. Traveling, ohhh,,everytime i heard that word, make me feels like 'so turn on'. I love, really-really love trveling.

Fourth, Going to 'sensi' to buy some new (ups, i mean second) christmas outfits (for sure, I want jacket/sweater, jeans and santaclause's costume). I hate mall for shopping, its better go to the market to buy one or two pieces of christmas outfits.

Fifth, Some new books for my reading.

Sixth, have some money to buy domain for my blog, its 2 months left bfore my free domain end >,<

Seventh, have some signs what should I do for living

Eighth, a new softlense maybe ?!?

Ninth, a new hair color / style ?!?

Tenth, wish i could have 10 more wish list .. lol

Okay, those are 10 things what i want for christmas,,how bout u fellas ? Please, let me know it ^^

Selasa, Desember 01, 2009

My adventure to Cilember Waterfall


It happen on last friday November 27, 2009. My self, Deddy and Bornok dida a trip to Cileumber waterfall, which located on Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. At first, about 3 or 4 days before the day, we did some discussion (with hirman and ata too) about the trip with others. From our discussion, we suppose to did the journey with Hirman's car to Ciater (its a public , but unfortunately hirman canceled a day before d-day. Its made me and bornok crazy, we are people who badly wanted to do a traveling, and heard that cancelation from hirman forced us to made an alternative plan. Thought so hard, finally we agreed to go to Cileumber waterfall by bus, in that moment, its like there's nothing cant stop our strong desire to have some fun.

A little bit information, this waterfall has 7 level of its waterfall, first waterfall we met from entrance called as 7th waterfall or in bahasa 'curug ke tujuh' and the top we called as 1st waterfall, in bahasa 'curug pertama'. From the 7th waterfall to the 1st waterfall took about 2 or 3 hours, and I'm proud, that me and my friends success reached to the highest waterfall, 1st waterfall. Well here we are (i mean our pictures) from our great-great-great adventure to Cileumber waterfall :


Below are tracks that we passed through :


and these are my poses ^^


Travel info :

- bus from tj. priok/rw.mangun to ciawi IDR 10.000,-
- angkot from ciawi to cilember IDR 4.000,-
- from cilember big road to waterfalls by motortaxi 'ojek' IDR 10.000,- (well, actually it depends on how best our bid)
- ticket entrance to Cilember waterfall IDR 10.000,-

.. to do cost-effective, me and my friends bring food stock from home for our lunch there.

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