from left to right : me, aya, endang, nukey, putra, icing, ecko, putrie, arab and dwi
On 1 Nov 08, Saturday ,,my friend and I make a group traveling to Untung Jawa island which located on Thousand Islands - North Jakarta..Its quite a beautiful island, so small, make you able to walking around this island only for 20minutes.Traveling to this island also doesn't need much money to spend. 'Cause for transport if you start your journey from Salemba - Central Jakarta, for return you only need 50,000 rupiahs,,for accommodation in Untung Jawa island -- motel for a day 50,000 idr/person/day,,but if you are group about 5 or 10 you only pay for 150,000 IDR/day. For transport if you feels like so tired to go around the island by feet, you can rent bicycle for just 10,000 IDR/day. Its all a cheap holiday travel by me and my friend.
The island, called Untung Jawa. Not really a perfect beach island, but it does really give me some new travel experienced. Well, here I upload some pictures of me and friends when we traveled to Untung Jawa, Thousand Island, North Jakarta.

duh kapan bisa ke jakarta yah :( pengen sebenernya sih
Om juara .... (mmmuuuaaaaccchhh)
Huekk,,kapan ke jakarta ? cepetan,, keburu tua.
wikiki kalo ada yang mau bayarin akomodasinya aq langsung berangkat dah :D
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