Minggu, Oktober 16, 2011
Sharing Is Caring with FOOD.
1 commentsJumat, Oktober 07, 2011
Jakarta, more than just a traffic-metropolitan-jam city
0 commentsJakarta, as the capital city of Indonesia make this city as the largest. More than 9 million people live in Jakarta, with more than hundred new cars appear in Jakarta’s street each day, making it as one of the worst traffic jams city in the world. What would happen with this fact ? STRESS. Your mind soon or later become stress, and no other way to get relax but briefly escaped from the traffic jam and go for a short holiday trip.
Such as the philosophy of China, we all need yin and yang in our lives, and thank God for that, Jakarta has it’s own yin and yang for us to enjoy or to take. We may hate Jakarta for it’s crowded and traffic jam, but we can also praise this city for it’s nature beauty. There were thousand islands, located on north Jakarta, with it’s beautiful beaches. Two hours (approximately, depend on which island you want to visit) from Marina Ancol harbor or Muara Angke, will definitely make you forget the fatigue, the stress of Jakarta for a moment.
Where do you plan to throw away your stress and fatigue? There are Tidung island, Pramuka island, Untung Jawa island, Semak Daun island, Ayer island, etc. Let say going to Tidung island, many tour packages that offering to go to this island. You only need to spend about 300K – 500K IDR to have your two days-one night holiday, the more people the more cheaper you’ll get. With those amount money, includes return boat’s ticket from muara angke (or marina) to tidung, welcome drink, bicycle, accommodation, meals (once barbecue), snorkeling and boat for hopping-islands. Such a great deal right ? you can find about this package tour all over the internet. Google it !!
Feels not right traveling with tour package? Want to have more adventurous trip and more cheaper? why don’t you try to go backpack, build a tent and bring your own mini-stove? Give it a try. Go to Semak Daun island, an inhabited island, not really inhabited, there is one small family live there and maintain the island. It’s not a big island, you could do walking surround the island within only 10 to 15 minutes. The beach here is really beautiful, with it’s smooth white sand. How much money do we need to go to this island? Less than 300K IDR.
You don’t believe it? Let’s we counting now. Return ticket boat from Muara Angke is 70K IDR, which will bring you to either Pramuka island or Tidung island. From those island you can take ‘ojek’ a small boat to go to Semak Daun island which will cost you about 10K IDR – 20K IDR (depend on your bargain skill), but be sure to rent a snorkeling equipments there if you want do snorkeling, the rent fee about 25K – 35K IDR (there were no snorkeling equipment to be rent in Semak Daun Island). In Semak Daun, you can build a tent there and pay to the guard of the island (it’s up to you how much you want to give to the guard, but please do give a reasonable price, like twenty to fifty thousand would be fine). Doing hopping-island, will cost highly if you do it just by your own. The boat cost is 300K – 350K IDR for each boat, so you better share the boat with other people who do the same thing with you in Semak Daun island (you know, there is always another group or people who also spend the night and build a tent there). If you can get another 5 person with you, it will cost you around 60K IDR, lot cheaper. How about meals? Make sure you have your own mini-stove and food from home to be cooked , so you don’t need to buy anything in the island.
Let's assume that you'll in group of five persons. The cost will be 70K IDR + 20K IDR + 10K IDR + 35K IDR + 60K IDR = 195K IDR per person. See ?? you still can have a great time in this traffic-metropolitan-jam city even with low budget. Don’t you should feel like grateful instead complaining for being a resident of Jakarta?
Minggu, Juli 10, 2011
Just had the longest backpack-trip (so far) - BALI
16 commentsHello WORLD.
What's up y'all ? Hope you all are better than before, coz that's what I had during the last two weeks. Yup, it was my traveling, my longest backpack-trip I ever had (well, so far). Thank God and the universe who've helped me makin this trip came true.
Me in Legian Beach. |
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A great view of former kingdom of Karangasem. |
Little bit to the south, finally for the first time in my life I reached Padang-Padang beach. Well, actually during my trip two years ago when visiting Bali, me and friends stop by on the bridge right above this beach, but this time was really my first time to finally make my footprint on it's white sand. The beach is very close to Uluwatu temple and I'm telling you, the waves here are crazy. Highly recommended to those who loves to surf with their surfboards. A little note for those who love beatuy beache and calmness, the beach is not for you. The place is too crowded, the beach it self not that really great actually (well, even I admit it's better than Kuta). But hey, a recommendation is still a recommendation rite ? if you reach Bali, sure you have to visit this place. What's not to visit in Bali, anyway ? they are all worthy to get visited.
See that little building in the pic ? yes, that is an Uluwatu Temple. |
Me, as personal, like envy in envious with the kitchen. It has a big refrigerator, a complete kitchen set, not only a complete kitchen set but also the food, and guess what ? it has a mini bar with a lot of beers and vodka (my favourite). The best moment that time was when we (me, eaz, dheny , budi and ivhan - sometimes budi's girlfriend also come to the house to join with us) had a dinner at the poolside. Really, at that time, I felt like I was in hotel. LOL, what a lucky rite ? I got a free meal + free accomodation.
So, total I spent 6 days in Bali from my total 15 days trip. Where were I the rest of those days ? Will tell you later. See ya.
fyi :
- ticket entrance to Uluwatu is 3K IDR/person
- in
- ticket entrance to Ulun Danu Bratan, Bedugul is 10K IDR/person (domestic)
- You need to pay 5K IDR to get into Taman Ujung, former Karangasem's kingdom
- Domestic got to pay 7,500 IDR/person and foreigner 10K IDR/person to get into Uluwatu Temple Beach
Selasa, Mei 31, 2011
More about the culture
6 commentsI do love TRAVELING so badly, like frickin bad. That is the fact. I know traveling were my passion and will always be, I want to live by traveling more and more. No fucking way important where and which places. BUT - yeah there is always a 'but' word, shame on me. The more I travel, the more I know that what I want from traveling is not only looking for best scenery, not the beautiful beaches, not the great mountain or so-what-ever other beautiful places. It's more about culture. I want to deeply gettin into the culture when I traveled. Either to learn it, either for just to know it, anything, but I do really want get deeper into the culture.
I remembered that I always want to learn about tourism, due I love my country's scenery, so like superhero-wannabe, I always think that by majoring tourism I could explore yet promoting my country's tourism. Then again I ain't enroll the major, but now I do travel more and more a lot than before. Taking magnificence pictures of place that I visited, having fun here and there, now I realize that what I missed a lot is it's culture. I realized that I lack of involved to the people, their culture and even their daily activities. Specially an old culture, not the modern one. I believe every places have their own uniqueness about their culture, and I promise to myself to getting know about that on my next travel days. Doing what local community did, it's history, and so on, I want do those things from now on. I hope I can do it.
For what reason ? I don't know, well, it's not really that I have no reason at all. Actually, I think by doing those things will make myself to give more respect to this life, to give more respect to people who are came from different situation/culture from us and to give more respect to myself.
I wanna taste different experiences of traveling from now on, and I hope I can do it *crossed fingered*.
Kamis, Mei 05, 2011
Cara lain menikmati SOYJOY
9 commentsSetelah beberapa hari yang lalu saya menulis tentang manfaat apa saja yang ada dalam kedelai dan SOYJOY, bagaimana saya bisa menjadi penggemar, dan bagaimana saya menjelaskan bahwa kemasan yang bentuknya kecil membuat SOYJOY menjadi cemilan yang sangat cocok buat orang-orang dengan mobilitias tinggi, yang membutuhkan kepraktisan namun tetap perlu menjaga kesehatan badan.
Seakan tidak ada habisnya kekaguman dan kecintaan saya terhadap kedelai dan SOYJOY, kali ini saya kembali akan menulis tentang cemilan favorit saya tersebut. Kemasan yang kecil dan tinggal dilahap kedalam mulut, membuat nilai kepraktisan dalam mengkonsumsi cemilan yang mengandung tidak hanya protein, tapi juga vitamin dan serat - serat sendiri berguna tidak hanya sebatas sebagai pencegah sembelit dan memperlancar buang air besar, lebih besar dari iu manfaat dari serat dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah (hiperchlolesterolemia), bahkan dalam studi penelitian yang diterbitkan Archives of Internal Medicine pada Februari 2011 menyatakan bahwa dalam 388.000 ribu orang yang diteliti dengan umur 50 - 71 membuktikan bahwa 22% orang dengan mengkonsumsi serat lebih banyak hidup lebih lama dibandingkan mereka yang mengkonsumsi serat lebih sedikit juga mengurangi resiko kematian karena kanker sebesar 17% pada pria - menjadi begitu besar. Tapi bukan berarti tidak ada cara lain yang lebih memanjakan mata dan rasa di lidah dalam menyantap kelezatan dari SOYJOY. Setelah lima hari kerja mengkonsumsi SOYJOY dengan cara yang praktis dan cepat, tidaklah salah kalau pada saat weekend kita memanjakan diri dengan menyantap SOYJOY dengan cara yang beda dari biasanya. Merasakan bagaimana kenikmatan SOYJOY menyatu padu dengan lelehan es krim pada saat menyentuh pangkal lidah terluar dan semakin menjadi ketika masuk dan melewati tenggorokan. Rasa yang sungguh luar biasa.
Oke, oke, oke. Baiklah langsung saya membeberkan resep rahasia saya saat menikmati SOYJOY dengan cara yang sungguh berbeda, sungguh brillian dan sungguh tak terlupakan.

Seperti terihat pada gambar disamping, beberapa bahan yang perlu disiapkan dalam membuat resep "es krim SOYJOY menyegarkan". Setelah semua bahan sudah siap. Silahkan ikuti beberapa langkah berikut :
- Ambil piring. Lumuri piring dengan sirup (bisa dihias sesuka hati). Kemudian letakkan beberapa sendok es krim diatasnya
- Letakkan SOYJOY yang sebelumnya sudah dipotong dadu tepat diatas es krim
- Kemudian taburi es krim dengan kacang coklat warna serta biskuit coklat batang. Tata peletakkan dapat disesuaikan keinginan hati. Terakhir, lumurilah "es krim SOYJOY menyegarkan" dengan sirup kental.
sumber :
Senin, Mei 02, 2011
SOYJOY, sejuta manfaat kedelai dengan rasa yang lebih nikmat
sumber :
Selasa, April 19, 2011
4 commentsSelasa, Maret 08, 2011
bRINGin the LOVE (adv.)
http://palladiumringsonline.com |
Talking about rings, so far I know only silver, gold, diamond as material of ring, but a few months a go I heard about palladium rings, and it was a great one. Well, maybe some of you are rolling both of your eyes now and questioning 'what is palladium rings dude ?'. First of all, before my words explain at lenght about this palladium ring. First, let me tell you what kind of experienced I've been thru so that makes me saying this ring is great.
Few months a go, while my sister about to have her birthday party celebration. I was confused at that time thinking about what kind of gift that I would give to my beloved sister. Been asking friends, colleages, relatives for their advices, but what I've got only ordinary answers like, bunch of roses or dress and something like that. So, I ended up with asking to 'uncle' google, and I got palladium rings as the answer. I don't know is it just me or the universe really heard what I'm asking for ? I found link directs me to online shop for palladium rings. Thanks to the universe (once again), the palladium ring I bought there was just really fit to what I'm looking for, great design, great material yet best price. For your information, when I give it to my sister, she is so happy and saying that kind of ring is what she just looking for all this time.
So, what is palladium ? According to wikipedia, palladium is a rare and lustrous silvery-white metal that was discovered in 1803 by William Hyde Wollaston, who named it after the asteroid Pallas, which was named after the epithet of the Greek goddess Athena, acquired by her when she slew Pallas. Palladium itself has been used as a precious metal in jewelry since 1939, as an alternative to platinum or white gold. This is due to its naturally white properties, giving it no need for rhodium plating. It is proportionally much lighter than platinum
Thats a little bit explanation about palladium ring, and for you who wants to give your lover a special gift that might they'll never forget. Don't get your self hesitate to take a look to www.palladiumringsonline.com .You'll find great offers there.
Senin, Februari 14, 2011
Bangkok, for the first time.
5 commentsbeen two months I do not post anything here, quite a long, long, long time. I'm gonna tell you about my story from Bangkok last year. My first ever experienced to Bangkok, Thailand on last October, 2010.
First of all, let me tell you the reason how could I have a chance to go to Bangkok, Thailand. To be truth, proudly I'm gonna say I won return tickets from AirAsia (along with another 10 of my friends) which made me possible traveling to Bangkok.
My first impression about this city 'oh okay, so this is it Bangkok ?', but then after spent my 5 days there, visiting wat pho, grand palace, floating market, pattaya, wat arun, china town, etc, soon I changed my mind about this city. The ciry is just great. Not for the city's view/tourist places, but more for it's marketing tourism. Two thumbs up I would give to this city. What I've seen in the city, IMO, not that so beautiful (I've seen more beautiful places in my country - not to mention that kuta in bali is just better than pattaya) but what do I really adore is almost every tourist places are so crowded with the tourists (mostly foreign tourists). I remember for a few past years, Thailand had such terrible periode for their tourism. There was tsunami in 2004, there was travel warning from 47 countries all over the world on may 2010, but hey, Thailand prove that their country is save to be visited, yet fun to be explored.
I stayed at khaosan road, and lucky me (also my friends) that was October 28th, so few days before halloween's day. Guess what ? From the date we arrived there were street party in khaosan road untill October 31, 2010. Full from 28 untill 31, I joined that halloween street party with my friends, what a great-great party I ever had. Fyi, I've never meet such this party in my city, so it made me so excited that day.