hanya impiankah ?
Untuk postingan kali ini spesial menggunakan bahasa tercinta saya Indonesia (ya, walau bukan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baku). Sedikit banyak saya mau membahas tentang Jakarta dan segala kekotorannya (dalam arti yang sebenarnya) yang ada. Mungkin udah gak terlalu asing mendengar kalau Jakarta itu termaksud salah satu kota terpolusi terbesar di dunia dan pasti sudah gak asing juga kalau berjalan ke sudut-sudut kota Jakarta akan selalu menemukan sampah berserakan dijalanan. Karena saking banyaknya sampah yang ada di jakarta sehingga ada beberapa daerah di Jakarta yang menjadi langganan banjir ketika hujan menghujam kota megapolitan ini. Kotor, tercemar, terpolusi atau apalah itu sudah pasti bukan suatu hal yang patut untuk dibanggakan bukan ? Terus ? Mau berdiam diri saja menikmati 'tontonan' sampah-sampah yang tergeletak di kota ini atau mau bangun dan mulai melakukan perubahan ?.
Ingat, banyak sekali hal kecil yang dapat kita lakukan untuk membawa perubahan besar untuk kota Jakarta ini dari kotor menjadi Jakarta yang diidamkan semua orang, bersih. Ini dia beberapa contohnya :
1. Mulai kesadaran dari dalam diri sendiri untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
Jangan jadikan ketiadaan atau kurangnya tempat sampah di sudut-sudut kota Jakarta menjadi sebuah alasan untuk dapat membuang sampah sembarangan. Jadilah warga yang pintar dan bijak, selalu bawa kantong plastik kemanapun anda pergi untuk membuang sampah yang kalian hasilkan sampai anda menemukan tempat sampah yang sebenarnya. Itupun ada satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan, kantong plastik tersebut tidak boleh ikut dibuang, buang saja sampahnya kemudian kantong plastik tersebut dibawa kembali kerumah, dicuci dan dibawa kembali untuk keesokan harinya jika beraktifitas diluar rumah lagi.
2. Belajar untuk bisa memisahkan antara sampah organik dan non-organik.
Ya, untuk dapat membuang sampah pada tempatnya saja memang sudah bagus, tapi itu tidak cukup baik untuk merubah kota Jakarta ini. Mulailah belajar untuk membuang sampah-sampah yang ada berdasarkan kemampuannya untuk dapat didaur ulang. Pisahkan antara sampah organik dan non-organik.
3. Hemat.
Jadilah orang yang hemat dan bijaksana. Bijaksanalah dalam menggunakan produk berbahan kertas (contoh: bila meggunakan kertas photocopy dikantor, jika memang masih bisa untuk photocopy bolak-balik di kertasnya maka gunakanlah). Hematlah dalam penggunaan tissue toilet, Bila membeli sesuatu berbahan plastik, lihat dan gunakanlah bahan yang memang diciptakan untuk bisa dipakai berulang-ulang.
4. Beritahukan teman.
Jika saat diri sendiri sudah dapat disadarkan dari ketidaktahuan tentang sampah menjadi tahu, mulailah menginfokan hal tersebut kepada teman maupun sanak keluarga. Bagikan ilmu mu kepada orang lain tentang bagaimana cara membersihkan kota Jakarta ini. Semakin banyak orang yang tahu dan mengerti, semakin besar pula manfaat nyata yang akan segera dinikmati dari kota ini.
5 - 100. Dan lain-lain, dan lain-lain. Masih banyak contoh lain yang perlu diperhatikan, diingat, resapi dan dilakukan demi mendapatkan Jakarta yang bersih, indah dan nyaman. Be Creative, Be Smart n Be a Garbage Warrior.
Ingat kalau bukan kita, siapa lagi yang akan membersihkan kota ini ? Jangan menunggu orang lain bertindak, lakukanlah dari diri sendiri. Ini saatnya kita bersatu untuk membersihkan kota megapolitan ini agar menjadi lebih nyaman untuk kita tempati. Untuk info lebih lengkap mengenai artikel-artikel, dan hal lainnya mengenai Jakarta yang bercita-cita menjadi bersih, indah dan nyaman, anda semua bisa membuka jakartabersih atau mem-follow akun twitter @JakartaBersih.
p.s : Jangan pernah malu atau merasa tersindir disaat banyak orang mencemooh dan menyindir kalau kita menjadi sok bersih dan sok baik hanya karena kita berusaha membuat Jakarta menjadi lebih baik dan bersih. Toh kita melakukan ini semua demi diri kita sendiri dan sesama.
Kamis, April 29, 2010
Jakarta Bersih
6 commentsRabu, April 14, 2010
Best Things About NYC
1 commentsThis post is from my blogswap partner on 20SB, Alyson - check her great blog here to find out more about her. Actually the topic suggested by 20SB was 'Best things Being a Blogger', but me and Alyson had a deal to discuss something more fun yet great than that - topic we dealed is best things about our city. I post best things about Jakarta on her blog, and she gave me clues about best things from NYC. So here it is her post and I hope you guys enjoy it:
Despite the fact that this is one of the most expensive cities in the world, there are plenty of cheap and free things to do. Everything from kayaking on the Hudson River to access to a free island called Governors Island. In one day you can learn fencing in a park and take a ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, all for free.
And while there might be 8 million people that live here, on any given day, I am likely to run into someone I know all over the city. So it makes this large city feel like a small town.
I hope this helps give you a little insight into my home and favorite city!
Minggu, April 04, 2010
First Day as Volunteer
9 comments+ Lucky Moment
10.30am, Sunday, April 4th 2010 - was my first day as Volunteer in Animal Shelter (dogs and cats), Pejaten Shelter. Its located at South Jakarta, Pejaten Barat No.45W. The owner of the shelter is Doctor Susan. I really amazed when I step my feet in to this shelter, I saw so many dogs and cats that treated by dr. Susan there. From the very good health dogs and cats to the the most poor condition of them. One word that I kept saying to what dr. Susan have done is 'WOW'. I can't imagine it, its non profit shelter and she just doing all those with graceful and full of love.
I learned so much about dogs and cats 'problem' from her. She said, its really important to keep fight in order Indonesian goverment make a law about animal/pets. Its really sucked to know that overpopulation about dogs and cats are keep continuing till now, but Goverment do nothing for this. They not trying to control the population. She said 'you know ? in america when people want to keep a dog or cat, they have to pay a tax for it, and the most need to underline that they have a law about it. When goverment find somethings wrong with the pet, they will interrogate the Master.' and dr. Susan continued by saying '..its like big stress to think about the fact out country have no law for pets, even a small country like Singapore, they have it'.
Not only discuss about dogs and cats, but I also cleaned the cage, gave them a drink, etc. All things I have done that day was really-really meanful to me. It made me more understand about dogs and cats, how to treat them right and really help me before I'll get my own dog next month (from my bestfriend, Destya) - I hope with what I learned from the Shelter I'll treat my dog with proper treatment.
Okay, thats it my story for now. I'll tell you more on my next visit to th shelter. Oh yea, almost forget, I bring gifts from my first trip as volunteer. I took some pictures of the cats and dogs, here they are :
One more lucky moment (luckiest maybe..) thing..when I were on my way home (by bus - transjakarta bus) I saw a very-very beautiful sky with its sunset. The sky color was a deep yellow - orange with a little black. It was really-really the best sunset I've ever seen in Jakarta, remember Jakarta, a big poluted city in Indonesia. So I made decicion to stop even I'm still a long way from my home. Thanks God, I made the right decicion. Its like a very rare for us jakarta folks to get a good sunset view, but this afternoon I got this beautiful sunset, made me as if I were the luckiest people to have opportunity to captured the view.
Kamis, April 01, 2010
Precious Moment With My Grandma
4 commentsYesterday night, probably the greatest moment I ever had along with my grandma (the 97 years oldwoman). We talked, sang some songs yet laughed together - actually we shared the moment with my mom and my brother too. The best part of our best moment last night actually when we laugh so loud untill hurt our own stomach, but it looks like because of my stupidity so I forgot to record her laughed lastnight - I only recorded when my grandma sang a song in batak language (its one of hundreds traditional languages from Indonesia, from North Sumatera province).
There was a conversation made us laugh so loud was when she told me - the original words are in batak language -
'you know (the most funny moment), when I was young around high school years I used to be a bitchy crazy yet tomboy girl. Most of guys were afraid to me at that time, and I'm a kind like a material girl too...', said my grandma. I cut her words then ask 'so, what about now ? (are you still a crazy oldwoman or not)*.
She replied with a big laugh (the biggest laugh in her life - its according
to her) 'Wait,,its like you mocking me by going to say I'm a crazy bitchy oldwoman now?'. Right after she said that, me, my mom and my brother get along with her and made a big-big-big laugh. (it was 11.30pm at that time).
She said, what wonderful life. Its been long time since my last laugh. She said thank to me to make her laugh and happy. I do really amaze with what God can do to humanbeing, He can give a longlife age to my grandma so I can enjoy my time with her, really thanks to God for this gift.
I'd love to upload the song that my grandma sang, but I really have no idea how to put it on my blog. If anyone know how, please help me. I can't upload the soundclip doesn't mean I'm not uploading something, here I uploaded picture of me and my grandma :

*I said the parentheses words just in my mind - I didnt continue straight to my grandma. But its like she knew what I mean though.