Referred to my friend's blog Eaz Eryanda (a handsome man who loves rice so much ?! LOL). So, here I will post about BOLANG T-SHIRT mig33 version. This t-shirt is project between me, and three of my friends, eaz, bayu and metha. This project began when we dream about success so much, so we think why don't we start to build our own kingdom of business ?. Then here we go, we start it with our first project.
Sabtu, Oktober 31, 2009
BOLANG T-SHIRT Mig33 version
2 commentsSelasa, Oktober 27, 2009
100 Words Story
2 commentsInspired, took up the glove in fact, by Ben, man who manage blog called no ordinary roller coaster. Its about couple months a go when I read his blog, its amazed me read his post titled 'Dabbling in Drabbling'. The thing amazed me was this post about writing something, could be poetry, fiction story, nonfiction story, etc, but one ruled we all have to go with is the word not more than 100 words. Actually, writing 100 words story is not a big deal if I wrote with my primary language 'Bahasa', but to taste the challenge more difficult I decided to try wrote my 100 words story with English, despite I thought it good to improve my English writing ability. Well, here is my story, enjoy ::
Ten years after the day, a bad day. Now, the rabbit sit silent on his chair. He look over on his success and thank to day on ten years ago, a day made him have more spirit, thank to people who underestimated, averted their eyes, and punched on him, those things make him stronger and more spirit walking on his life. ‘Shadow, shooting will began ten minutes again’, said black-hat man with pen and piled of paper on his hand and with a big smile on his face, rabbit say ‘okay’. The rabbit is superstar now.
So, how do you think about my 100 words story ? and how about your own 100 words story.
Minggu, Oktober 25, 2009
Tour de'Kuningan
3 commentsSabtu, Oktober 24, 2009
Photosession with HUTA HITA Fotografia #2
2 commentsHere I upload my pictures from photosession with HUTAHITA fotografia about couple weeks a go. The location took at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah , East Jakarta. These a pre-wedding style photo-shooted for hutahita promotional stuff, the idea about this photo session was cheerful moment of a couple lover. Models are my self and my sister. Please have a look :
Jumat, Oktober 23, 2009
Belajar Nulis Eps.3
2 commentsMelanjuti tulisan gue beberapa bulan yang lalu Belajar Nulis Eps. 2. Cukup lama sejak postingan gue yang episode ke dua tersebut, lebih tepatnya 60 hari lamanya gue tidak melanjuti postingan #Belajar Nulis. Sekarang, hari Jumat, tanggal 23 Oktober 2009, pukul empat lewat 29 menit gue masih saja belum berbaring di kasur gue yang empuk dan nyaman untuk tidur. Masih tetap melek untuk ber-internet-ria dengan laptop yang masih pinjeman (punya abang gue James). Bertemankan dengan rokok sampoerna mild dan setengah gelas air putih es dan kipas angin, gue tetap bersemangat melakukan kegiatan online seperti facebook-an, twitter-an, googling, ym-ing (atau ym-an. ngakak.) dan tentunya blogging. Mengacu pada judul postingan gue yaitu Belajar Nulis, gue selalu dan selalu mencoba untuk menulis mulai dari hal yang gak penting banget sampai hal yang sangat penting banget, proses-proses ataupun ide-ide dalam penulisan setiap tulisan gue entah kenapa hampir semua keluar dari otak gue pada malam hari atau lebih tepatnya subuh hari. Di saat semua orang rumah gue udah terlelap dalam bunga tidur mereka, saat (mungkin) air liur sudah menetes dari mulut mereka, di saat itulah gue semangat (atau tidak semangat) untuk menulis, seperti contoh menulis blog, menulis di kertas, meng-update status facebook/twitter, blogwalkin + drop comments on others blog, dan lain sebagainya.
Senin, Oktober 19, 2009
Bucked-up Songs
0 commentsRabu, Oktober 14, 2009
YM! chat with my best friends
1 commentsI've just got a funny yet a great moment with my YM! . A few minutes a go, I logged on to my Yahoo Messenger account, and soon after I logged on, 4 of my best friends chat on me. First I chatted with my sister, not my real sibling, but either me or her already regards each of us as a sibling, so I called her 'kak' (it mean sister in English), Novita Sari Harahap or use to called Nope as her nickname. Chit chat about her coming on November, planning to hire my photography company to took pictures of her and a friend of her. She ask about gothic and japanese-style as the concept. I say yes to her, and start discussed about others like price, wadrobe, location, etc.
Jumat, Oktober 09, 2009
My PROMISEs (Quote of the week #6)
0 commentsThis time, will all about my deep-deep-deep feeling, came from my deepest broken heart, about anger, sadness and madness.
Sabtu, Oktober 03, 2009
Tribute to Batik and Halal Bihalal with Mig33rs - October 2nd, 2009
0 commentsFinally, Batik officially announced by UNESCO as World Heritage from Indonesia on October 2nd 2009, yesterday.
Yea, akhirnya batik resmi diakui sebagai warisan budaya dari Indonesia oleh UNESCO. Peresmian oleh UNESCO ini berlangsung tepat di Dubai, Abu Dhabi, untuk lebih lengkapnya berita ada di Gue dan teman-teman komunitas Mig33 Jakarta, atau biasa disebut Mig33rs juga mengadakan sebuah acara dengan titel 'tribute to BATIK dan halal bihalal mig33rs', bertempat di lapangan panahan senayan Jl. Asia Afrika, Jakarta. Dengan sedikit persiapan dan dana, kegiatan yang berlangsung tepatnya pukul 4 sore tanggal 2 Oktober, 2009, Sabtu dapat dikatakan cukup berhasil.
Dibawah ini beberapa poto-poto yang sempat diabadikan pada saat acara sabtu kemarin :
Batik, sudah dan akan tetap gue banggakan sebagai salah satu bentuk fashion dari negara gue. Gue akan sangat bangga dalam setiap kesempatan gue memakainya. Kalau bukan gue sebagai warga negara Indonesia yang mencintai, memakai dan mempromosikan BATIK, siapa lagi coba ?