Senin, September 21, 2009

Opening HutaHita Fotografia


Yesterday, exactly last night, photography and graphic designs business created by me, my brother Elyas Tampubolon and my friend Deddy Hutahaean. The project named as HutaHita Fotografia, serves not only for photography session, like pre-wedding, fashion photos, architecture capture, moment capture, landscape photos, but we also saying yes to clients who ask for graphic designs, for example designing company's logo or invitation card event, and so much more.

We just created our official blog, we put our portfolios there, our contact details and also our studio profile. So, please feel free to visit our official blog and feel free to reach us for any information you all need to know about us.

Jumat, September 18, 2009

Photosession with HUTA HITA Fotografia


Photosession with my brother Elyas Tampubolon, and with my friends Deddy Hutahaean, Hirman Hutagalung and Dewi Maria Stephanie. This photosession due to my brother and my friend Deddy want to launch their photgraphy project called HUTA HITA Fotografia, so they used me and the two of my friend as a model to made their portfolio for promotion needs.

For this session, we took KOTA TUA (west jakarta) as the location. Model was my self, hirman hutagalung and dewi maria stephanie. The photographers are my brother Elyas Tampubolon along with Deddy Hutahaean. For the editor, picture number one to six edited by Elyas Tampubolon, and for seven to twelve edited by me, Nando Tampubolon.

Kamis, September 17, 2009

Quote of the week #5


Little bit funny I can post it on time for the quote of the week, since I always late to post about this topic. This week's quote is from my brother Elyas Tampubolon 'there is no superior people, but only ordinary people with extraordinary efforts'. I don't think I should explain what this quote mean, I bet you all know about it.

Minggu, September 13, 2009

Addicted to "Brain Buddies"


I'm so addicted to game application on facebook called 'brain buddies' lately, from the name we know the game indicate about things related to gain or improve our brain activities. The game is similiar to psykotest pre-job interview, testing us about our memory, our logic, count skill and also our visualization skill. First time when I played the game I got 1700-something as my scores, but then I try, try, try again, now I got scores 2,954. I'm the highest among 7 of my friends who also took the game.

For all of you who read this, how about your brain capacity ? larger and smarter than me ? Why don't you go to the page and find it out.

Rabu, September 09, 2009

Wishing all the best on my own happy birthday


September 09th, 2009, what an unique day huh ? what and why do I posting today ? The answer is today is my birthday, and I just wanna say happy birthday to my self (sounds like weird greetings on my self), but this is my blog so I'll do whatever I wanna do, right ?

Now, I'm 22 years old, seems like a young guy for everybody, but I feel so old like I'm forthy or fifthy somethin. Today I found my self should say a big-big-big-big ( i'll write 1 million time if its possible, lol) thanks to my saviour, the only one who I believe on, He is my Jesus Christ. I can say that I'll be nothing on my birthday (even on my whole life) without His present in my life. Thats the first I thank to. Second, I would like to say thank you to my parents, my lated father and also my lovely mom, thanks for all their kindness on me and sorry for my badness for all this time, I'm promise I'll be a better person than yesterday. Third, I would like to say to all my siblings, my 2 of siters and 2 of my brothers, Hera, Maria, James and Juara, you all the one who always support me, and trustin me, no matter what people thinking about me, no matter how bad I am, no matter how tricky (oops,, did I say tricky, oh yea, i am a man with thousand tricks, it could be in a positive way or even in a negative), I will no trade all of you with everything world will give to me, cause I believe I can't get siblings better than you all. Forth I would like to say to all my friends, to my friends, definitely person who coloring the stroy of my life untill now, to my high school mates, to my bolang friends and to my ex jcc-ariasia friends, thanks a lot. Last but not least, I wan to say thank you to all my enemies (well, I shouldn't say you all my enemies but I should say that you all my friends either), for those who hate me, who underestimated on me, who fuckin bullshit on me, thanks boo, what all the negative things you did to me are mean to me. You are all the one who stregthen me to be a be stronger man, but there is one I want to say, "You can try to bring me down, but you will give up, cause there aint nobody can bring me down.."

My last sentence on this post would be 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SELF'.

Senin, September 07, 2009

Happy Birthday to My Brother James


Today, September 7th, 2009 is my brother's brithday, James Tampubolon. Now, he is 26 years old, have a wife and a cute little daughter.

Here he is, my brother and his daughter Ineyla Javelin Abigael Tampubolon :


Jumat, September 04, 2009

Quote of the week #4


Its already friday, one day elapse from day I should post weekly 'Quote of the week #'. Like I've always said, better late than nothing at all, right ? So, lets begin, this week Quote of the week # from Agnes Monica twitter, due I following her twitter account, so I could read all her update-tweets on twitter.

She wrote on her twitter (about last Tuesday or Monday, forgot) "The enemy of being the BEST, is being GOOD... Never settle for mediocrity". Soon after read her tweets, I opened an online dictionary, and find what mediocrity is about (in bahasa it means keadaang yang biasa / sedang saja). What an undeniable words come from Agnes Monica, its so true, we have to set our best for our life to get the best.

Selasa, September 01, 2009

New Photo-Session


Last week, me, my friend Deddy (Juri), my brother Juara and James did some photo session. Just like before, the photographer was my brother Juara, but now my friend Deddy helped him and for editor, In these 9 photos, I did photoshop-retouch six photos, and my brother Juara did three of its.

So, here we go ::










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